When you think of a brand, you want to have something with deep and lasting meaning that people can relate to and connect with to truly understand what you or your business stand for. So when I was developing the Emerge brand, why in the world would I pick a turtle? Turtles are SLOW, SLIMY, COLD, and more like a rock just sitting there, right? Well, that’s what I initially thought when I saw this turtle in my backyard. This wasn’t me or my approach at all!!! But upon further contemplation and discovery, it came to mean something much different than what I thought! That turtle caught me completely off guard and transformed my life forever!! Find out more about that story in one of our very first blog posts!
As it turns out, sometimes experiences in our life can completely transform our perceptions about life and change our trajectory forever. THAT’S exactly what I wanted to do when creating this marketing business. I wanted to find people in unexpected places, support them on their journey, and help them achieve their goals. So, as I was exploring my own path and developing the brand for Emerge, it was this unsuspecting turtle in my backyard that made all the difference.
I have always tried to find meaning in all that I do, so I searched the ‘symbolic meaning of a turtle’ online. I found that the legendary turtle totem grants us the gift of finding inner wisdom, the magic of intuition, the symbolic meaning of vast journeys, and the gift of a long, prosperous life. This was the deep and lasting meaning that I wanted for my life and my business. Ultimately, I wanted to share that inspiration with others as well. (Adapted from http://www.universeofsymbolism.com/turtle-symbolism.html)
Trust Your Inner Vision
The wisdom of the turtle totem teaches us about determination and staying strong despite the obstacles or distractions we face. The turtle encourages us to listen deeply to our own self-guidance and trust the path we are on. These journeys of spirit open us up to the magic realm of imagination and intuition where anything is possible. Trust your inner vision.
Adapt to New Surroundings
The sea turtle is a very ancient soul living in the seas, while land turtles make their home in the desert and forests. Turtles carry their home on their back, figuratively speaking, and feel at ease wherever they are. The sea turtle opens us up to experimenting with new terrains and ideas while maintaining a comfortable self-pace. No matter where our path might lead, the turtle spirit gracefully teaches us to adapt to new surroundings.
Perfect and Divine Timing
The brilliant message from the turtle is not to push yourself so fast that you make errors and miss opportunities, but rather embrace the wisdom of knowing that all things come in perfect and divine timing, sharing the golden lesson of patience.
The turtle understands the need for protection, self-protection, and protection of those you love. The turtle has a shell that becomes its home. Whenever it is threatened it retreats to the safety of its shell. This brings symbolic meaning from the turtle that you too can do the same, by creating a spiritual shield that is your armor against negativity, harmful influences, and painful memories.
A magnificent gift from the turtle is longevity. Turtles live a very long and fruitful life and teach us the great spiritual significance of taking the very best care of ourselves and having a long life filled with splendid journeys while learning many valuable life lessons.
Enjoy the Journey
The strong and hearty sea turtle takes vast journeys into the sea, letting the tides take her where they will. She surrenders in infinite trust that all will be okay and she will arrive when and where opportunity will serve her. This is the beautiful lesson of enjoying the journey of your life, trusting in the flow, and partaking in the blessings that are bestowed upon the way. In life there is no absolute destination but a myriad of journeys.
In retreat, gather your inner wisdom and emerge strengthened and prepare to move forward. The turtle spirit guide is there to lead you.
I still get choked up to this day when I read through this meaning of the symbolic turtle. Despite the challenges I’ve faced through life and the bumps, twists, and turns I’ve experienced, I’ve come out ok thanks to my trust in the Lord and His plan for my life. I can’t help but think that this was all part of a grandeur plan, one that was before my time, one that only God himself could have conceptualized.
My name is Shelly…Shelly the sea turtle!
So what was it about the meaning of the turtle that I could carry through to this brand and business? Well…as most people expect, a turtle often retreats within its shell (like business owners who stay laser focused on their business). However, it’s when the turtle finally EMERGES from that shell that it can make a difference. The turtle leaves the comfort of its shell (or place of traditional business) and begins to explore (strategically) the future and where that process can take it to get there.
A sea turtle will flow through the deep seas of life, letting the tide take it where it will (among the ebb and flow of the economy and business world). At the end of the day, it comes back to the same spot on land where it started, back to the deep roots of its origin. So, too, we help our clients. We never expect them to stray too far off course but instead, find a trusted path that will help them achieve their goals and to never lose sight of the origins of the business. Because truly, slow and steady wins the race, but you have to first emerge to get anywhere!
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