What Nourish Means to Shelly

Hey there, I’m Shelly Greving, the owner of Emerge Marketing Solutions. The word nourish came into my life at exactly the right time, even before I realized how much my business and I truly needed it. After eight years of steady growth—with last year bringing particularly significant changes—I could feel myself burning out. I had heard the warnings about entrepreneurial burnout, but I always thought, Not me! Yet there I was, feeling the effects.

Thankfully, God’s timing is always perfect. He blessed me with a team that lets me lean into their strengths. Even just two months into the year, I’ve already seen how prioritizing nourishment is not only refreshing—it’s essential to be ready for what’s next. I hope this inspires you to seek nourishment in your own life, so you can be the brightest light for others.


What Does Nourish Mean to Me?

To me, nourishment is all about how I fuel myself to be a light for others. There are days when I can tell my light isn’t shining as brightly—whether I’m feeling sick, sad, mad, or just stuck in a funk—and I know it impacts those around me. Over the years, I’ve learned that to burn my brightest, I need to keep myself healthy and grounded. Sometimes, that nourishment comes from my faith, family, friends, or even food! Other times, I borrow light from others or retreat to relax and keep my flame from being extinguished by the winds of life.

My Nourishment Goals for the Year

This year, my primary focus is balanced nourishment. In the past, I’ve been strong in one area but weaker in others. A more holistic, 360-degree approach will help me reset and refocus on all aspects of my life. My goal is to recognize when I need a break and give myself grace to take it. I also want to be more active—working from home and sitting at a desk has taken its toll! Lastly, I’m working on embracing quiet, slow moments rather than constantly pushing myself to go, go, go.

A Nourishing Daily Routine

It might sound surprising, but letting myself sleep in (until no later than 8 a.m.) has been a game-changer. Allowing my mind to wake up naturally, without feeling rushed, helps me start the day with a positive mindset. Fitting in a workout remains a challenge—especially in the cold—so that’s next on my list. I’m also savoring this slower season of fewer kids’ activities. It’s been a blessing to spend more time at home, hearing about my kids’ days and challenges. I know these moments won’t last forever, so I’m embracing them fully.

How I Nourish My Faith and Soul

Faith is the foundation of everything for me. Dedicated, quiet, and repetitive prayer has opened countless doors in my life. It’s not about a specific prayer or method but rather having a candid, ongoing conversation with God—like talking to a trusted friend. For a long time, I believed I controlled my own destiny. Now I see that life is often unpredictable, but what matters is how we respond. Through daily prayer, I ask for God’s guidance, forgiveness, and strength. This practice nourishes my faith and helps me build a beautiful life—even when it doesn’t follow my original plan.

A Nourishing Recipe

I think recipes are overrated! My favorite meals come from improvisation—using what’s on hand and adding a dash of this, a pinch of that, and a whole lot of heart. Living miles from the nearest grocery store has taught me to be resourceful. My family rates my cooking 10/10 most days, so I must be doing something right! Trust your instincts, get creative, and pour love into your meals—that’s the secret ingredient.

Final Thoughts on Nourishment

Nourishment is deeply personal. What fuels me might not work for you—and that’s okay. Whether it’s a massage, a walk in the park, or simply sitting with a good book, find what brings you peace and joy. Embrace those moments, and remember: the best version of yourself is also the brightest light for others.


Nourishing Emerge: A Year of Growth and Renewal

This year, Emerge Marketing Solutions is embarking on a journey of nourishment. Just as I strive to nourish myself spiritually, physically, and socially, we are prioritizing a thriving environment where our team can flourish and our organization can prosper.

What Nourishment Means to Us:

Personally, nourishment encompasses several key areas:

  • Spiritual: Drawing strength from my faith provides guidance and purpose, infusing my work with meaning.
  • Health: Consciously choosing what I consume, both in terms of food and media, impacts my overall well-being and ability to thrive.
  • Physical: Prioritizing physical activity is essential for maintaining both mental and physical health, allowing me to approach challenges with renewed energy.
  • Social: Cultivating meaningful relationships that challenge and support me is crucial for personal growth and happiness.

Nourishing Emerge:

Our 2025 Strategic Plan reflects this commitment to nourishment as well. We will focus on:

  • Individual Growth: Empowering our team through personal and professional development opportunities.
  • Team Cohesion: Fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.
  • Organizational Health: Refining our processes and systems to ensure long-term sustainability.


Key Priorities:

  • Customer Perspective:
    • Integrating our faith into our outreach and client interactions.
    • Enhancing client communication and project management.
    • Expanding our service offerings and client base.
  • Financial Perspective:
    • Establishing a budget and tracking progress.
    • Improving billable hours and overall financial performance.
    • Implementing employee incentive programs.
  • Internal Business Perspective:
    • Streamlining internal processes and leveraging technology effectively.
    • Enhancing cybersecurity and data security measures.
  • Learning & Growth Perspective:
    • Prioritizing employee well-being with dedicated time for creative exploration and mental health.
    • Fostering open communication and conducting regular team-building activities.
    • Encouraging continuous learning and professional development.

Even our sub-brands will also be nurtured through focused efforts, including:

  • Ignite: Expanding our reach and impact through meaningful faith-based initiatives.
  • Off the Beaten Path: Inspiring local travel that revitalizes rural Iowa communities.
  • Evolution of the Heartland: Expanding our reach and showcasing the innovation and quality of life found in rural Iowa.

By embracing the principles of nourishment, we believe Emerge and our employees will not only achieve our goals but also create a lasting legacy of impact. We are excited to embark on this journey of growth and renewal together.