How Emerge was Named

How Emerge got its name

I get asked all the time how we came up with the name “Emerge” and why there is a 3 in the name. It’s amazing how things work in a mysterious way, and you’re often led to the right answers if you’re patient enough!

Some of you know the crazy story of how this business started, but for those of you who don’t, check out the ‘turtle story‘ that happened in 2016! I had decided a year prior that I wanted to pursue my dream of owning my own business, but it would take nearly 14 months before I would make it official. For any of you who knew me at the time…I was NOT a patient person!

As time passed and the idea started to come to fruition of owning my own business, I knew I needed to get serious if I was going to make this dream a reality. (Like many creatives do, I was already doing a lot of this work as a volunteer in the community and transitioning that into paid work was a little harder. It required confidence, vision, and commitment.)

I set up a meeting with my attorney to get the legal details of the business moving forward, but the one thing that kept holding me back was that I didn’t know what to call it! I knew how much branding meant and that the meaning of all I wanted to impact in this world was so much more than the words I would choose to name this business! But I didn’t want to mess it up or sell us short!

So, I thought about my journey leading up to the business start-up and the impact I wanted to have on other entrepreneurs, our clients, and beyond. My encounter with the turtle was really a pivotal moment for me and my life, but I didn’t like turtles. They’re slow, gross, cold, slimy, and boring (or so I thought!). Although I felt like I had always been on the ‘right’ path, doing all the ‘right’ things, it was the symbolic meaning of the turtle that really impacted and guided me most. But what was it about that turtle that I could carry on to clients in a meaningful way?

What is it about a turtle that would make a difference in this world?

Well…when a turtle is stagnant, sitting in its shell it’s more like a rock (kind of like many of us when we’re feeling stuck in our business or in life). But when the turtle sticks its neck out from the comfort of its shell and starts to emerge, it begins to make progress. EMERGE! That’s it! While comfort and security lie within the shell, it’s when the turtle finally emerges with a plan to move forward that it makes progress…slow, steady, and calculated progress. And that’s what we do here at Emerge. We help people get unstuck, emerge from the comfort of their business, and pursue new heights with passion, planning, and purpose. And don’t be mistaken…we’re rarely slow! However, we want to ensure the ‘right’ approach is taken, not just complete a project just to complete a project.

What about the 3?

The underlying purpose of our business and why we do what we do is to serve God. The number three acts as a constant reminder that at the center of all that we do is to serve the Lord with the gifts that have been entrusted to us. Our responsibility here on earth is to have faith in the Lord and share the good news of salvation, grace, and hope with all people. The three in Christianity represents the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Without these three, we would be nothing.

The fact that God is Triune – three persons in eternal relationship – reminds us that relationships are what life is about, and that’s what I love most about the work we do. Meeting people, getting to know them personally, and inspiring them is what I cherish most. Life is not about stuff or earthly successes. It’s about a loving relationship. If we truly know the Triune God, we will cherish relationships – with God and with one another.

I have often questioned whether we go too far with our emphasis and integration of faith into our business, but I am constantly reminded at every turn of life, that our calling is not to pursue immediate success or gratification in life here on earth, but to serve our Lord and ignite this same faith in others.

This is also why we have developed the faith-based part of our company, Ignite: Be the Light, to help others recognize the flame from within and feel comfortable in developing a strong faith foundation that not only gives them a stronger base, but allows them to eventually find purpose in their own life, and to ignite others and set the world ablaze.

So, I encourage you to do the same. Emerge from the comfort of your shell; pursue God’s calling; and ignite, be the light for all.

Importance of Integrated Marketing

integrated marketing

We’ve all heard the phrase, “repetition is key” and it’s something you don’t want to forget when it comes to integrated marketing. So, what does this phrase mean? Integrated marketing can be thought of as conveying the same message in different formats across a variety of channels. You aren’t going to reach everyone you want by using just one communication platform, so it is more effective to utilize a variety of platforms to reach more people.

When going about creating an integrated marketing campaign, these are some of the most important steps to take:

  • Determine your goals and target audience for the marketing campaign
  • Create and use a consistent branded visual look and messaging across all platforms
  • Utilize a variety of marketing channels:
    • Social media posts, stories, or ads
    • Traditional advertising: print, broadcast, direct mail, etc.
    • Digital marketing
    • Video
    • Podcasts
    • Events
    • Email campaigns
    • Website
  • Track results of the campaign from all applicable channels
Integrated Marketing Campaign Example

We provide marketing services for a local hospital and when they started offering ENT services and welcomed a new provider, we created an integrated marketing campaign.

  • Goals: Build awareness of and promote the new ENT services and encourage people to schedule ENT appointments.
  • Target Audience: Parents or care takers with young children within a 30-mile radius.
  • Marketing Channels: Determined what marketing platforms to use based upon our goals and target audience:
    • Press release to local media outlets and blog post on the news section of hospital website, sharing all of the necessary information about the new provider and services offered
    • Several social media posts (with abbreviated but similar messages as the press release) on the hospital Facebook page for a designated period of time (organic and boosted ads)
    • Newspaper ads placed in specific local papers (using similar design and messaging as the social posts)
    • Radio ads on targeted local stations (using abbreviated but similar messages as press release)
    • Provider and service information added to the hospital website (very similar to the press release and all other communications)
  • Created several variations of hospital branded graphics sharing necessary information about the new provider, clinic dates, reasons to visit an ENT, how to schedule an appointment, etc.

Even though we promoted the new provider and ENT service by utilizing a wide range of channels, we didn’t need to recreate the wheel for each platform. We typically start with the project that requires the most information (in this case, the press release). Then we use that information to create additional marketing tactics (radio/newspaper ads, social media posts, website information, etc.) Additionally, once one design is created, we use the same graphics to ensure repetition of the design across all platforms.

Repetition is Key

So why is repetition key to successful marketing? By using this strategy, a mom might hear about a new ENT provider on the radio as she’s taking her kids to school one morning. She may not hear the full message, but it could get her thinking. Then she might see the social media post about the ENT services while she’s scrolling through Facebook. She might click on the link from the social post, taking her to the website. Here she’ll see all the information she needs to know about the provider, services, and how this could benefit her four-year-old who has been struggling with allergies lately. Although she might not book an appointment right away, she might read the newspaper a few days later, see a newspaper ad, and recall that she was going to make an appointment. That’s integrated marketing, and that’s why repetition is key.

We encourage you to consider an integrated marketing campaign the next time you are looking to promote a new product, service, or event. If you aren’t quite sure where to start, that’s what we’re here for. Reach out to us here and we’d be happy to discuss the possibilities for your next integrated marketing campaign.

How Emerge was Started

how emerge was started

My whole life I always knew that I wanted to start my own business. I have always had a ‘can do’, ‘figure it out’, ‘jump at the right opportunity’ kind of spirit. While I never really pressured myself to go after it, I knew that when the time was right it would happen. As I look back, each experience I’ve had throughout my life has been a stepping stone designed to build upon one another. At the time some of them seemed misplaced, out of line, or definitely NOT part of MY intended path. But as I look back, I see that every step in the journey was meant for an intentional purpose that would prepare me for success. I’ll skip past the details for now and jump to how Emerge was started.

In June of 2015, my family and I were living in DeWitt, Iowa, and I was working for a successful agriculture company. One day, my husband delivered the news that he had been recruited to western Iowa and that our family would be moving, but not right away.  It would be a year and a half from then that we would actually be moving.

This was devastating to me as I had just started to find my groove. I was part of the community and I had made incredible friends. I served on our home & school board for our school. I was involved in the chamber and economic development organization. And I was part of a fundraising effort to impact the county fairgrounds and had made significant strides in my career.

Have you ever felt like the rug has just pulled out from underneath you? Or that your life is about to come crashing down? That was me. how emerge was started

While I couldn’t talk about this impending change with anyone, my inner-being took over and I wrestled with a fight or flight response for the next year. I couldn’t decide whether I would just follow my own path ­- choose my own destiny, be selfish and take control of my own life – or whether I would fight, as I knew I could adapt and do anything I put my mind to. Within the next month I wrote a business plan for the business I’d always dreamed of starting. And to this day, is STILL the foundation of our business. But that wasn’t enough. I had that glimmer of hope and vision for a future, but self-doubt won over every day.

Trusting in God

So, as I have been taught my whole life, I did the only thing I knew how…I leaned on my faith. I trusted God that it would all work out. I asked Him to show me the way, to protect me when I would fall, and to be with me every step of the way, showing me the light and path to a better future.

Now, as I look back on the past six years of being in business, I can’t help but think that God had better plans for me than I could have ever imagined at that low point in my life.

As the time for us to move neared, I had an enlightenment. Something switched in my mind. Or more realistically, the Holy Spirit finally found a way deep into my heart. I decided that from that day forward I would NEVER look back. I decided with conviction that I would start my own business, pursue my dreams, and seize the opportunity to make a difference in this world.

On August 26, 2016, I formed Emerge Marketing Solutions and had six dedicated clients. At the time I was still working full-time, supporting my family, wrapping up loose ends in DeWitt, preparing to move to Manning, and renovating an old farmhouse that hadn’t been lived in for years.

On December 31, 2016, we made the trek across Iowa and my life as an entrepreneur began. I knew that I would do whatever it took to run a successful business and be an inspiration to others, especially my children. And that I would share with others that no matter what life throws at you, it’s 90% attitude and 100% faith and trust in God that all will work out.

Improve and Transform Your Downtown Community

downtown community

Have you ever driven through a town to discover that it is basically a ghost town? If so, you’d likely drive right through and never think twice about the town or remember its name, let alone plan a trip there. If this describes your community, here are some tips to help improve and transform your downtown community into something exciting and memorable!

First things first, check these things off your to-do list before any major transformations!

  • Hold meetings with downtown business owners and community members. During the meetings, hold a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) to better understand what your downtown has to offer, and more importantly, what it doesn’t. Then, brainstorm potential improvements, communicate these needs to the appropriate people and determine the best plan of action.
  • Ensure that your community has a chamber of commerce and they hold frequent meetings. These are often the groups who have the community’s best interests in mind and will help make improvements.
  • Get young adults involved in meetings and decisions. Ask for their opinions on what could help improve downtown functionality. There should be activities for all ages downtown, not just business owners, families and older community members.Young adults laughing at an outdoor bar
  • Photograph your downtown buildings to help discover what improvements need to be made. And once improvements have been made, you can share before and after photos!
  • Take inventory and determine the quality of the trash cans, benches, streetlights, art, lines for parking spaces, trees, etc. Doing so will help you determine what improvements need to be made.
  • Update and utilize social media and Google pages. Does your community have an appealing and user-friendly website and social media page(s)? If so, do they have updated information regarding activities, recreation, places to eat and stay, etc.? You don’t want people to find outdated information, old images or business hours, or even worse, nothing about what your community has to offer. If these pages don’t exist, create them! It’s also important for downtown businesses to check out what shows up in a Google search when they look for their business. When they do, ensure they have claimed their business (click here to learn how to do so) and their information is up to date on Google.How to claim a business on Google
  • Are there empty buildings downtown? If so, find a way to promote the space and encourage someone to rent it out and start a business!

Now for some easy ways to improve and transform your downtown community!

  • Host fun events! Things like annual town/holiday celebrations, trivia nights at local bars, children’s activities, concerts, sporting events, etc are all great ideas. Then, create a calendar of events to share and promote them locally and regionally to bring local people as well as tourists.
  • Create a strong relationship with local media! By doing so, it makes it much easier to share stories, events and news and get coverage when needed.
  • Have volunteer opportunities often and recognize community members who help.
  • Town clean-up day! Bring people together and help make your downtown beautiful by planting flowers, painting, planting trees, cleaning, etc.Store front display
  • How do the store fronts look? Encourage business owners to have new window displays frequently and preferably lighted at night. And consider filling empty windows with something (historical artifacts from town, promotional items for school or local organizations, etc.)
  • Use BINGO cards or a Passport to encourage community members to shop local and get out in the community. Then use chamber bucks as rewards. (More $$ spent downtown is a win-win!)
  • Have “Small Business Saturday” or a shop local day along with fun events in your downtown area. This will give local businesses support and encourage community members to get involved downtown.
  • Having nice, bright lighting is important at night. No one wants to walk downtown if it looks dark and uninviting.Storefront display lit up at night
  • What is the parking situation like? Make sure people are able to easily park downtown and that lines are visible. No one wants to drive around the block five times looking for a parking spot or question if they’re going to get towed.

Looking to go even further to improve and transform your downtown community?Manning, Iowa's logo and slogan in a park

  • Brand your town! Create a logo and slogan that are fun, easily recognizable and memorable and can be utilized for many things!
  • Signage is important! Use your community’s logo and slogan for signs throughout downtown. This makes it easy for people to find their way around.Branded town sign
  • Look into grant programs and apply for ones that could help make improvements to your downtown.
  • Create a brochure that highlights your community with things to do, places to eat and stay, attractions, recreation, etc.Example of a town brochure
  • Join the Main Street program.
  • Hold fundraisers to make improvements to your downtown community.A mural painted on a downtown building
  • Use local artists to help paint the town with murals, utility boxes, benches, the opportunities are endless!
  • Are there housing options above businesses downtown? This will keep people downtown and encourage them to eat local, hang out downtown, etc!
  • Research popular downtown communities who have implemented many of these tips or are known for having a thriving downtown. Check out our feature we did on Rapid City, South Dakota’s downtown. Then plan a visit to get some new ideas!

Looking for more tips? Check out one of the leaders in downtown revitalization: Roger Brooks and the Destination Development Association. And if you have questions about how to improve and transform your downtown community or just need a little help, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Engage Young People in Your Community

young people enjoying a night out

Many communities focus their efforts on making their spaces family friendly, but what can community leaders do to attract and engage young people in their community? For our specific case, let’s consider young adults to be those in their 20s to low 30s. Many people tend to assume that once someone graduates high school or college that they may bounce around until finding their forever home. But what if your town is one of those pit stops? What can you do to help make your community appealing to young adults and encourage them to stay put and become involved and engaged in the community?

  1. Define your target audience. Make sure you know what age groups you are trying to engage and recognize what appeals to them. If you focus too much on ways to attract families or older adults, then young adults will likely feel out of place or not welcomed. Many young adults like to go to big cities because there are more people their age, more things to do, places to eat and they feel that there is something for everyone. However, there are many small towns that do invest in amenities that engage young people in their community.
  2. Take inventory! What does your community currently have to offer? Research the best places for young people to live and identify what makes them so appealing. Some small communities cannot fully compete with large cities, but there are certainly things you can do to encourage young adults to visit your town initially and then actions you can take to show them the value your town holds. Especially if your community is smaller, capitalize on this and find ways to show young adults the advantages to living in a small town! Fun Happy Hour Events
  3. Hold fun events often! Events such as Thirsty Thursdays at a local bar, karaoke nights, drive-in movies, concerts, pub quiz nights, farmer’s and craft markets, local vendor fairs, town celebrations, cultural and music festivals are all enticing ways to bring young people together.
  4. Hold town meetings and invite young adults to attend. Allow them to speak and give suggestions for additions or improvements that could be made to the town. However, don’t put them on the spot and make them feel uncomfortable. You don’t want to risk scaring them away. Find out what their interests are and allow them to hold leadership positions so they have the opportunity to become involved and gain a vested interest in local projects. Giving them ownership of community development will help them to develop a sense of pride.Mentorship Programs
  5. Implement a mentor program! This a great opportunity for young people to meet other leaders in the community that they may not otherwise come in contact with. Offer a program in which a local, older member of the community is paired up with a young adult. Young professionals value networking and creating relationships, and older professionals may benefit from the new, innovative ideas of young professionals.
  6. Recreational options! Young people like to be active and stay busy. What is the condition of the city parks and facilities, walking trails, basketball and tennis courts, etc.? Is there a lake or river nearby? If so, what is the condition of the public beach? Are kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, tubes, fishing poles available for rent during the summer? If these are not present in your community, is it possible to change that? What are the workout facilities like? Are fitness classes offered anywhere? These are all very appealing for young adults, especially in the summer! Think tourist attractions.
  7. Local transportation. Does your town or region have a taxi service, Uber or Lyft? You might not think your small town needs a full-time taxi, but if you want to offer a safe and convenient option for young adults to visit your community, consider having someone sign-up to be a driver for your community. Many young people appreciate having peace of mind knowing this is an option, especially if they plan to go out and have fun with friends. It also lets people know that you value their safety.Reliable Wi-Fi
  8. Reliable Wifi! It may not seem like a big deal, but if your town has slow internet, it will be a huge turn off and inconvenience. Streaming TV, virtual conference calls and meetings, Zoom and Facetime happy hours with friends and family, you name it, are the new normal these days, and if people are unable to easily do these things, it will be very frustrating. If fiber optic internet is an option for your town, take advantage of it and make sure you promote thy convenience.Social Media Presence
  9. Presence on social platforms!! I can’t emphasize this enough. What do young people do when they don’t know something? They look it up or try to find it on social media. Ensure that your town has a welcoming website with updated information, a well-run Facebook page and Instagram if appropriate. Many towns have a chamber of commerce that will take care of this. Encourage local businesses, especially retail and restaurants to do the same. Having a consistent and engaging presence on social media will allow you to promote upcoming events, share news, post job openings, recognize community members, display photos and testimonials of your town, its attractions, and more. It will also reflect well and make it easy for people to look up upcoming events, business hours, menus, etc.! Just make sure that your website and social pages are not outdated or poorly run because that is sometimes worse than not having them at all.Downtown Main Street Manning Apartment
  10. Variety of housing options. Young people may not be ready to buy a house, especially right out of college. Are there affordable, updated condos or apartments available in your community? Nothing is a bigger turn off than getting a new job in a new town and then realizing that all of your housing options are run-down, old apartments that cost more than they are worth. Take inventory of the housing options your town has to offer and if there is a need for more, talk to community leaders as well as other locals about the need or consider applying for grants to help fund the development of more housing. There are even grants available in Iowa to establish downtown housing. We love this downtown loft apartment on Main Street Manning.

We recognize that every community is unique in its own way and that each town has particular strengths and weaknesses. While some of these options may not be viable for some communities, we encourage you to gather a small group of passionate leaders and take a look at your town, determine what the demographic consists of and why this is the case. Challenge yourselves to implement a few of these suggestions to attract and engage young people. We think your future community will thank you. If you are interested in unbiased, third-party recommendations for your community or have specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Q&A With Kait Miller


Welcome to the second feature in our series of Q & A’s with Emerge Marketing Solution’s employees and subcontractors! In this blog series, Emerge subcontractors share their stories and why the quality of life in Iowa is better than anywhere else! Our purpose in sharing this series is to inspire others to invest in Iowa, inform others about what it’s like to live and work here, and to show the impact (great or small) you can make as a result of your dedication to community and business in Iowa.

Kait Miller was my first subcontractor to come on board with Emerge. You know, when some people come into your life, you just know they’re going to be a life-long friend and colleague, and that was the case for Kait. She began working as an intern for me when I worked with the Iowa 4-H Foundation back in 2010. We worked together coordinating the annual 4-H Gala among many other fundraising projects. Upon graduation and throughout her early career, Kait and I kept in touch and would keep each other posted on what was happening in our personal and professional lives. Having always wanted to start my own business, I knew from day one that Kait was someone whom I wanted to work with forever!

Kait Miller

When it came time to start Emerge, Kait was one of my first calls. She had known that I was considering starting my own business, and she was finishing grad school. It seemed like a perfect fit and perfect timing for her to be able to work a few extra hours beyond her day job to really help get Emerge off the ground.

When you’re a one-person show, it’s hard to keep yourself motivated when you have billing, prospecting, process development, and strategic planning to do. Definitely working a different part of my brain than I’m used to. But with Kait providing support, I knew that no stone would go left unturned. We have enjoyed working together for 3 ½ years now and wouldn’t have it any other way (well maybe besides her working full-time for Emerge!!).

Kait Miller and Steven Miller with birdsWhen it comes to her work with Emerge, Kait deals with project management, business operations, and content writing/proofreading. Kait is DEFINITELY my right-hand girl and I don’t know what I would do without her! She keeps me on my toes and makes sure all details of every project are progressing.

Kait currently lives in Altoona, Iowa with her husband Steven and their two dogs, Athena and Atlas. What I LOVE about Kait’s perspective is that she has such a sense of adventure and has traveled all over the world. She’s seen it all, and she still chooses to live right here in Iowa!

Kait Miller and Steven Miller skiing in the mountainsEMERGE MARKETING SOLUTIONS: What is your connection to Iowa?
KAIT MILLER: My family moved from Nebraska to Urbandale (a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa) when I was two years old. I graduated from Urbandale High School and went to college at Iowa State University in Ames. After college, I got a job in Des Moines and continued in my educational endeavors locally, receiving my MBA from Drake University. I have lived and worked in the Des Moines metro area ever since.

EMERGE: Why have you chosen to live in Iowa?
KAIT: In all honesty, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. My home has always been in Iowa and all of my family lives here. There are so many things to do and explore while still having more of a small town feel than other cities. The cost of living is unbeatable and the job market in Des Moines is continually growing. The schools are excellent for our future children. Although we love to travel and visit different places across the country and world, Iowa is our home. The quality of life in Iowa is second to none!

EMERGE: If someone asked you your perception of Iowa, what would you say?
KAIT: I think the common misconceptions about Iowa are that it’s all rural farm towns, there is nothing to do, and there are lower quality amenities. I remember once in high school when I was on a mission trip in another area of the country and when I said I was from Iowa, someone asked me if I learned to drive on a tractor; I couldn’t help but laugh. I think that summarizes what others often perceive of Iowa.

Kait Miller and Steven Miller hikingEMERGE: What can we work on to attract and retain more families and young people in our state?
KAIT: Iowa has so much to offer families and young people, it’s just a matter of communicating and marketing that so others have a valid perception of what it’s like to live here. Many young people who grow up here and even go to college in Iowa leave after they graduate, looking for more “exciting” places to live. I believe there is a major opportunity to market the amazing quality of life Iowa has to offer to people approaching graduation so they don’t feel they need to leave to find the life they’re looking for.

Iowa has so much to offer families and young people, it’s just a matter of communicating and marketing that so others have a valid perception of what it’s like to live here.

Downtown Des Moines has done substantial work to be marketable and appealing for recent college graduates, adding a great deal of housing, grocery stores, gyms, boutique shopping, etc. West Des Moines has also become a hotspot location for young adults. But showcasing that is crucial for people to truly understand everything they can have and enjoy living in this area.

Kait Miller and Steven MillerPersonally, I never considered living anywhere else because I can find everything I’m looking for here. My husband and I have flourishing careers, enjoy a low cost of living and housing, have the opportunity to raise our children in a safe environment where the educational system is strong, and live close to our family and friends.

EMERGE: What visions and goals do you have for the future?
KAIT: I can’t wait to eventually have children and raise our family here; to instill in them the same small town values I experienced as part of my own upbringing in Iowa and to enjoy everything our state has to offer for young children. I love the opportunity to work with Emerge and make a difference in revitalizing rural Iowa through the important work we do. I’m so excited for this to continue!

I believe there is a major opportunity to market the amazing qualities Iowa has to offer to people approaching graduation so they don’t feel they need to leave to find the life they’re looking for.

Kait Miller and Steven Miller scuba divingIn Closing…
Thank you Kait for sharing your perspective! We hope that others are seeing the same value that you see regarding the quality of life in Iowa and will consider moving here when they, too, are ready to live the best life, raise a family, and be successful in their careers!

Stay tuned for more features with Emerge Marketing subcontractors. We think you’ll be delighted to hear the great things they have to say about Iowa and why they’re proud to be from here. Read another Emerge feature here>>

Create Engaging iPhone Videos

phone video

If you own a small business and are looking for ways to engage customers, share and sell new products/inventory or simply share updates about your business, we are here to help you create engaging iPhone videos! Don’t let that intimidate you. You do not need expensive equipment or software to create effective video content; you just need an iPhone and simple editing software.

Many of our clients have been asking our team to help create videos to capture the essence of their business, showcase their community, or simply engage in new ways with their audiences online.  Check out some of the videos we have created in the past year.

Here are some tips to help make your iPhone videos more successful and engaging!

1. Orientation of your Phone Matters

It is typically always best to hold your phone horizontally when recording video. This orientation will work best when uploading videos to YouTube and most other platforms, but if you’re posting to Instagram, vertical videos will look better. Instagram will crop your video to a square, so keep that in mind when shooting. Make sure to be consistent for each video.

2. Check your Camera Settings

iPhones can record at 720p, 1080p and 4k. 4K resolution will be the best quality, but it will also take up more space. If you are trying to preserve space, try recording in a lower resolution. Frame rates can also be adjusted. Most phones can be adjusted to film in 24, 30 or 60fps (frames per second). 30fps is just fine for videos being uploaded to YouTube, Facebook or Instagram. 60fps should be used for action videos or filming sporting activities. These settings can be found by going to Settings, selecting camera and then select record video.

3. Keep the Speaker Close

If someone in your video is speaking, try to have the phone as close to them as you can to ensure the best audio quality as possible. Amazon does sell affordable lavalier mics if you are planning to do frequent videos and want better audio quality.

4. Use the Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds can simply be explained by imagining an image divided into thirds horizontally and vertically, so you are left with nine parts. Placing points of interest along the intersections will give the shot a well-balanced look. Especially when setting up an interview, do not center the person in the frame, but use the rule of thirds. Most phones have the ability to turn grid lines on to make this very simple.

Rule of Thirds

5. Use a Tripod when Possible to create Engaging iPhone Videos

To prevent shaky or unstable video, we recommend always using a tripod or finding a hard, flat surface. If you have to hold your phone, try using a selfie stick!

6. Lighting and Background are Important

Ensure that your background is simple and not distracting before you begin to film. It is also important to make sure that your subject is appropriately lit and that there are no shadows. If something looks over exposed or too dark, tap your screen until a yellow box appears. By sliding your finger up and down on the screen, you will notice that the brightness changes; adjust until your subject is lit to your liking.

7. Download a Free Video Editing Software

iPhone conveniently come with iMovie, making it easy to edit your videos right on your phone. If you prefer to edit on a computer, you can utilize iMovie or other free video editing software. HitFilm Express or Video Pad are two other highly rated programs.

8. To Zoom or Not to Zoom?

Try not to zoom in while shooting, remember that you can always do this in the editing stage. The more you zoom, the more you will see the shakiness of your hand holding the phone. And when you zoom, you’re really just making pixels bigger, not actually zooming. If you have an iPhone 11, the main camera has a 1x magnification and the second camera has a 0.5 magnification and the 11 Pro has an additional camera with a 2x magnification. Filming at any of these magnifications will result in good quality video.

9. Focus!

No one wants to watch a blurry video. This should be fairly simple as most phones will auto focus. But if you need to change the focus from one thing to another, you can simply touch the object on screen that you want in focus.

10. Time Matters

You will hear different opinions of how long videos for social media should be. You need to consider each platform that your video will be featured on. Facebook allows videos up to 240 minutes, Instagram allows one-minute videos, Instagram stories can be 15 seconds, it is recommended that YouTube videos be six to eight minutes and Twitter allows videos up to two minutes and 20 seconds. While keeping those limits in mind, think about people’s attention spans. If your video is interesting and engaging, your audiences will likely stick around and watch longer. Ultimately, your video should be as long as it takes to get your message across.

11. Start Early and End Late

Last, but certainly not least, always start recording well before you want your video to start and stop recording well after you are finished. And if you are taking b-roll shots (additional footage), do not zoom and stay on the subject you are filming for at least ten seconds (you’ll thank me later). I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to begin editing and then wish you had a few seconds more of a certain shot.

We hope that these tips help you create successful, engaging iPhone videos and as always, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any marketing questions! Contact us today or request a quote!

Q&A With Katie Sextro


Welcome to the first feature in our series of Q & A’s with Emerge Marketing Solution’s employees/subcontractors! In this series, we encourage those closest to Emerge to share their stories. Find out why they choose to live in Iowa, their perceptions of our state, vision and goals, and more. Our goal with is to inspire others to invest in rural Iowa; inform you about what it’s like to live and work in Iowa; and show the impact (great or small) each of us can make as a result of our dedication to community and business in rural Iowa.

Katie Sextro | Creative SpecialistIn celebration of her birthday today (2/28) and her one month celebration of working for Emerge, we invited Katie Sextro, Emerge’s 1st employee and our Creative Specialist to share her thoughts first! We’ll let Katie take it from here…

Hey everybody, I’m Katie! I grew up in Manning, Iowa and currently live in Storm Lake, Iowa, right on the lake with my fiancé, A.J. I graduated from The University of Iowa in 2017 with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. I received my master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Buena Vista University in 2019. I love the Iowa Hawkeyes, summer, shopping and traveling.

Choosing to live in Iowa

I am passionate about helping people see the rewards of living in a small town and helping to revitalize rural America! I have never lived anywhere other than Iowa, but I have done quite a bit of traveling throughout my life. I always saw myself moving to California, but I have grown to really appreciate living in Iowa, and now I don’t see myself leaving. Now, I’ve come to see that people in Iowa truly care and want to help one another out and that you can easily get to know your neighbors and become involved in your community.

Not only do you have the option to live in a bigger city such as Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Ames, Quad Cities, Council Bluffs, or Sioux City, but you can also live in a smaller town and still have the convenience of big-city amenities such as a wide range of restaurant selections, entertainment, nightlife and shopping. You can even live in a really small town and still have easy access to the best quality of life, healthcare, entertainment, education and more.

Changing perceptions of Iowa

I think the perception of Iowa is that there are only those small farming towns, that you have to drive long distances for any amenities, and that there is nothing to do. In order to change that perception and attract families and young people to Iowa we need to promote the accessibility of necessary and desired amenities and conveniences like good healthcare and education systems, entertainment, shopping, and more.

The low cost of living, privacy, employment opportunities and quality of life Iowans are privileged to have need to be highlighted as well. To do so, we need to promote certain communities in Iowa, big and small, that possess these features and find people to tell their story of why they choose to live in Iowa and why others should as well. We need to show parents that they can raise their children in a safe, affordable, welcoming and thriving environment. And this is why I love Emerge Marketing Solutions!

Attract and retain young people to live in Iowa

To encourage young people to either move back to Iowa or draw them in to visit, promoting and showcasing communities like West Des Moines or downtown Des Moines and the opportunities, resources and amenities that are available in these cities is necessary to catch their attention. Finding recent college grads and young adults in their upper 20’s and low 30’s to give testimonials as to why they chose to live in Iowa would be powerful and relevant for others their age. I think that when young people become aware of the opportunities they have and the amenities and resources available to them combined with a low cost of living and high quality of life, Iowa becomes much more appealing.

For example, Des Moines is one of the top ranked places to live in America, especially for young people and it is rapidly growing and expanding. I have been seeing trends of more people deciding to live in cities like Des Moines instead of moving to the coasts. They are also moving back home after college or after being away for a while.

For me, I find comfort knowing that I can have a great career, get married, find a home and raise my children in a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment and still be close to family, friends, entertainment, healthcare and more. I do think people are starting to see more of an appeal of living in smaller communities, so we just need to capitalize on that trend and show those who don’t live in Iowa just what they’re missing.

In Closing…

Thank you Katie for sharing your perspective! We hope that others are seeing the same value that you see in rural Iowa and will consider moving here when they, too, are ready to live the best life, raise a family, and be successful in their careers!

Stay tuned for more features with Emerge Marketing subcontractors. We think you’ll be delighted to hear the great things they have to say about Iowa and why they’re proud to be from here.

2020: Let’s Stretch


My word for 2020 is stretch! What does that mean for me and how am I using this word daily to help me be the best version of myself so that I can show up for others?

You may have noticed many people going in to 2020 and rather than making a New Year’s resolution, they are sharing a word. Why would we want to minimize ourselves to just one word and not necessarily set actionable goals?

Well…how many of you have made New Year’s resolutions only to find out a month or two later that you are no longer following them? We give up. Then by the time we reach Lent, we decide that we must try again. We give up something or set an intention to be a better person. But then Easter comes along and we often go right back to our usual habits.

With a word, we are able to set our intention every single day. No matter whether we failed the day before or lost sight of our initial purpose, we’re able to reevaluate the word every morning and decide how we are going to live our life that day with intentional effort to focus on that word.


According to, the verb stretch means:

  • Be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
  • Straighten or extend one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles in order to reach something.

For me, stretch means to expand my mind, body and faith so that I reach my full potential without tearing or breaking. To trust that I’m made for more and choose EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to stretch.

Physical Stretch (body)

I have been on a journey to improve my health, but as I work from home, seven miles from town, I can find nearly every excuse to miss my daily workout. However, I know deep down what I’m capable of. I RAN A HALF MARATHON folks! Me…the non-runner, at the busiest and most challenging time of my life. This was because I made a commitment to myself that no matter what I wasn’t going to give up or give in. I also knew that those abilities didn’t come over night. It took dedication and a choice every single day.

For me, in 2020, it’s about taking one step at a time. When I make time (just 15 minutes) to stretch daily, it improves my posture, improves my health and improves my outlook on life. Most importantly it helps me remember that we must take this journey one step at a time and not get down on ourselves or give up when we miss a step, or go at a pace slower than our mind or heart anticipates. Baby steps turn in to adult steps, that turn in to running, leaping and reaching for more.

In 2020, I am going to take it one step at a time, and who knows…maybe I’ll run a half marathon again!

Mental Stretch (mind)

Mindset is key to success in life. Our minds are such a powerful tool that we have 100% capability of choosing our destiny. I’m currently reading the book, ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’ by Carol Dweck, Ph.D. In the book she describes how a fixed mindset is one that you believe your qualities and capabilities are carved in stone and unable to change or grow. Whereas the growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities and capabilities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies and help from others.

Our mindset is a choice and we choose every day what mindset we will approach life with. No fear, mindsets can evolve.
For me, stretching as it relates to mental health starts with a growth mindset. What could be perceived as failures or difficult challenges in my life are used as building blocks on which I stretch my mind, challenge myself to overcome and try just a little harder each day to stretch and grow. I am capable of more.

Faith Stretch (spirit)

I have been blessed in my adult years to be capable and confident in sharing my faith with all whom I encounter. It’s likely that the first time you met me you could hear my faith shining through and I’m grateful for that quality. However, despite that confidence, I still have the urge to do more, that it’s not enough. I am called to share my faith on a broader scale, to inspire people from all walks of life, from varying degrees of faith confidence, and from different religious backgrounds. I want all to start building the confidence in their faith to live a life they love, free from regret or dissatisfaction, to live a life rooted in faith, to better themselves for the betterment of their community and beyond.

My fears have often gotten in the way, though. The voices in my head say, “I’m not trained for this.” “My story is no different than others.” “There are so many outlets for this type of personal and faith development.” “Why me?” But as Rachel Hollis would say, “Get out of your own way, Shelly!” “You can do hard things!” “You are made for this!” WHOA! Am I ready? I guess so…Let GO and Let God!

The reality is, despite all of these internal thoughts/excuses I hear myself saying, I still feel that call from God to go for it. Be who you are, trust that God is there to guide you in action and in Word. I have pushed away God’s voice in the past because it wasn’t on my time, or wasn’t in alignment with my plan. Having come to realize that we are on this earth to do God’s will, I can no longer let ‘my plans’ get in the way of His.

It’s my time to stretch, to get outside my comfort zone. Remember definition #1…stretching allows you to get bigger and wider, but never tear or break.

Shelly with tortoise in shellSo just as our trusty turtle teaches us a lesson of patience and perseverance, let us not forget to stretch. When a turtle is enclosed in its shell, it’s a mere rock. But when it starts to stick its neck out, starts moving, and begins life’s journey, only God knows how far she will go. Trust that your journey will be fulfilling. Slow down, be steady, and indeed you will win the race. But remember…it’s not about finishing the race. Enjoy the journey you’re on, one step at a time.

Emerge Strengthened

Now that we are one month in to 2020 and Lent is nearing, my hope for you is that you will be more intentional with your ‘resolutions’ or ‘Lenten offerings.’ Consider your word, make it your mindset, and choose every day to take at least one step toward improving your life. Each step, no matter how big or small, is another step forward. With each day, start anew. No matter whether you missed the day, week, or month prior, start today. Refocus on your word and decide how you will choose to make a difference today.

During this Lenten season, we hope you till take time to be mindful of your faith. If you are hoping for more in life and have a true desire to improve your relationship with God and others, consider joining our Emerge 2020 Lenten faith journey on Facebook. I am hosting this Facebook group for anyone who wants to start, continue or enrich their faith journey, regardless of religious differences, varying confidence in their faith, or ability to share that faith with others.

We will follow along with Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever email series and journal. I will then be reflecting on those readings and sharing my faith journey in a live daily Facebook video (which can be watched at anytime).

Remember, this is a journey. Don’t get defeated if you miss a day, fall of the wagon, or lose sight completely. Go back to your word, refocus and choose how you are going to live each day with intention. This is your life. Love it or change it. It’s your choice! Now let’s stretch!

Renew Rural Iowa Entrepreneur Leader

Emerge award

Recently, Emerge Marketing Solutions was nominated by Sara Slater of Audubon County Economic Development and Tourism for the Iowa Farm Bureau Renew Rural Iowa Entrepreneur Leader award, and we were selected as the October 2019 recipient!

Emerge award

Receiving this award comes with great humility, as we believe in doing the work we do not for reward or recognition but for helping rural communities, small businesses, and non-profit organizations to achieve their goals, improve their businesses/organization and make a difference for the people they serve.

We first celebrated this award from Iowa Farm Bureau with a visit from Sandy Ehrig, Sara Slater, Bob Quinn, Kevin Boyle, and Jim Heithoff here at the Emerge Marketing Solutions headquarters on September 18th and then were recognized on air, Monday, October 21st on WHO Radio’s The Big Show. 

It was quite an honor to realize we received statewide recognition on the radio, through Iowa Farm Bureau’s daily email, social media, and even in the Farm Bureau Spokesman and other local newspapers.

We believe in making a difference for Iowa’s rural communities and telling the story of so many successful businesses, organizations, and individuals who are living a life they love!

Check out the full article from Iowa Farm Bureau here.

Listen to the radio interviews with Bob Quinn of WHO Radio’s The Big Show:

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