Recently, Emerge Marketing Solutions was nominated by Sara Slater of Audubon County Economic Development and Tourism for the Iowa Farm Bureau Renew Rural Iowa Entrepreneur Leader award, and we were selected as the October 2019 recipient!

Emerge award

Receiving this award comes with great humility, as we believe in doing the work we do not for reward or recognition but for helping rural communities, small businesses, and non-profit organizations to achieve their goals, improve their businesses/organization and make a difference for the people they serve.

We first celebrated this award from Iowa Farm Bureau with a visit from Sandy Ehrig, Sara Slater, Bob Quinn, Kevin Boyle, and Jim Heithoff here at the Emerge Marketing Solutions headquarters on September 18th and then were recognized on air, Monday, October 21st on WHO Radio’s The Big Show. 

It was quite an honor to realize we received statewide recognition on the radio, through Iowa Farm Bureau’s daily email, social media, and even in the Farm Bureau Spokesman and other local newspapers.

We believe in making a difference for Iowa’s rural communities and telling the story of so many successful businesses, organizations, and individuals who are living a life they love!

Check out the full article from Iowa Farm Bureau here.

Listen to the radio interviews with Bob Quinn of WHO Radio’s The Big Show:

Emerge award 2

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