
How Emerge was Started

how Emerge was started

How Emerge was Started

My whole life I always knew that I wanted to start my own business. I have always had a ‘can do’, ‘figure it out’, ‘jump at the right opportunity’ kind of spirit. While I never really pressured myself to go after it, I knew that when the time was right it would happen. As I look back, each experience I’ve had throughout my life has been a stepping stone designed to build upon one another. At the time some of them seemed misplaced, out of line, or definitely NOT part of MY intended path. But as I look back, I see that every step in the journey was meant for an intentional purpose that would prepare me for success. I’ll skip past the details for now and jump to how Emerge was started.

In June of 2015, my family and I were living in DeWitt, Iowa, and I was working for a successful agriculture company. One day, my husband delivered the news that he had been recruited to western Iowa and that our family would be moving, but not right away.  It would be a year and a half from then that we would actually be moving.

This was devastating to me as I had just started to find my groove. I was part of the community and I had made incredible friends. I served on our home & school board for our school. I was involved in the chamber and economic development organization. And I was part of a fundraising effort to impact the county fairgrounds and had made significant strides in my career.

Have you ever felt like the rug has just pulled out from underneath you? Or that your life is about to come crashing down? That was me.

While I couldn’t talk about this impending change with anyone, my inner-being took over and I wrestled with a fight or flight response for the next year. I couldn’t decide whether I would just follow my own path ­- choose my own destiny, be selfish and take control of my own life – or whether I would fight, as I knew I could adapt and do anything I put my mind to. Within the next month I wrote a business plan for the business I’d always dreamed of starting. And to this day, is STILL the foundation of our business. But that wasn’t enough. I had that glimmer of hope and vision for a future, but self-doubt won over every day.

Trusting in God

So, as I have been taught my whole life, I did the only thing I knew how…I leaned on my faith. I trusted God that it would all work out. I asked Him to show me the way, to protect me when I would fall, and to be with me every step of the way, showing me the light and path to a better future.

Now, as I look back on the past six years of being in business, I can’t help but think that God had better plans for me than I could have ever imagined at that low point in my life.

As the time for us to move neared, I had an enlightenment. Something switched in my mind. Or more realistically, the Holy Spirit finally found a way deep into my heart. I decided that from that day forward I would NEVER look back. I decided with conviction that I would start my own business, pursue my dreams, and seize the opportunity to make a difference in this world.

On August 26, 2016, I formed Emerge Marketing Solutions and had six dedicated clients. At the time I was still working full-time, supporting my family, wrapping up loose ends in DeWitt, preparing to move to Manning, and renovating an old farmhouse that hadn’t been lived in for years.

On December 31, 2016, we made the trek across Iowa and my life as an entrepreneur began. I knew that I would do whatever it took to run a successful business and be an inspiration to others, especially my children. And that I would share with others that no matter what life throws at you, it’s 90% attitude and 100% faith and trust in God that all will work out.

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