Zao 525: Infusing the spirit into your brand. Check out the opening video on their website. ‘I LOVE IT!’ This company has inspired me from their very beginnings.  Just hearing the name, I wanted to know more!

Zao means to live, breathe and be among the living, to enjoy real life, to be fresh, bold and efficient. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

525 represents Galatians 5:25 which says, “If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.” Hmmmm….now that one got me. I agree with living in the spirit, but I run! I don’t walk in the spirit, I run. I’m fast. I speed through this crazy life. I get things done. People count on me. People need me. I take care of business and solve problems. I inspire change. I believe we should ALL be the change we wish to see in the world. I don’t walk…

“But wait, Shelly!” I told myself, “What are your most memorable moments? What do you cherish in life? How does God want you to live? How do you want others to remember you?”

I have often raced through life, running from one project to another, from high school to graduation to college to my first job and then my second, finding myself, meeting my significant other, getting married, having kids, attending kids’ sporting events one after another. Then eventually the kids will graduate, we will retire and then we finally have time explore the world, enjoy our grandkids, and then what?? I often get so caught up in the outward living of my life that I forget to tend to the flame that’s burning inside.

Let’s think about the few times along the way that we slow down long enough to stop and ‘smell the roses.’ When we look around and realize all that we have to be grateful for, we are often reminded that if we speed through life we may be missing opportunities. When it comes to a brand, I want that experience or memory of the brand to last. Taking the time to define and develop a brand and then being purposeful to live out that identity is the key to success.

The most memorable times for me are when we are simply enjoying a fresh drink on the patio during a hot summer day, the crackle of an evening campfire, the coos and giggles from a happy baby, the excitement from a child the first time they ride their bike without training wheels, or those breathtaking moments when we first see the vast mountains or canyons. These are the moments when we are walking in the spirit. They are the memories that will last a lifetime. Seasoned parents have often told me, “enjoy your kids,” “they grow up so fast,” “make memories,” “cherish these times.” God is calling us to cherish these moments more often.

The same is true of a brand. When we take the time to discover and define who we really are, it becomes much easier to live out that brand and infuse that spirit in all we do. Too often I have seen people getting caught up in the minutia of building their business and going about their busy lives without refocusing on what is most important. What is their driving passion? The people, businesses and organizations who spend time traveling within their souls and digging deep to uncover their purpose find it much easier to live their life and build a business serving a greater cause.

I am reminded today and every day that I must be there for those who mean the most to me. Take the time to meet new people. Talk to them on the street, care for them and offer my skills to them. And even if I don’t recognize how my strengths can contribute to a particular situation, I ask my friends and family. They are able to provide insight as to what they see from the outside looking in. As I have taken that journey within my soul, I have found my purpose and the passion that creates my drive and I enjoy sharing that passion with others.

For Samantha, her personality is her strength. People are attracted to her kind spirit and even show up at her door because she exudes energy, passion and God’s love and care for others. She truly walks in the spirit of God, helping others find their way and uncovering the potential for their business. I am so grateful for our friendship and the inspiration she has given me to discover my true passion and purpose. Thanks Sam!

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