
My word for 2020 is stretch! What does that mean for me and how am I using this word daily to help me be the best version of myself so that I can show up for others?

You may have noticed many people going in to 2020 and rather than making a New Year’s resolution, they are sharing a word. Why would we want to minimize ourselves to just one word and not necessarily set actionable goals?

Well…how many of you have made New Year’s resolutions only to find out a month or two later that you are no longer following them? We give up. Then by the time we reach Lent, we decide that we must try again. We give up something or set an intention to be a better person. But then Easter comes along and we often go right back to our usual habits.

With a word, we are able to set our intention every single day. No matter whether we failed the day before or lost sight of our initial purpose, we’re able to reevaluate the word every morning and decide how we are going to live our life that day with intentional effort to focus on that word.


According to, the verb stretch means:

  • Be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
  • Straighten or extend one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles in order to reach something.

For me, stretch means to expand my mind, body and faith so that I reach my full potential without tearing or breaking. To trust that I’m made for more and choose EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to stretch.

Physical Stretch (body)

I have been on a journey to improve my health, but as I work from home, seven miles from town, I can find nearly every excuse to miss my daily workout. However, I know deep down what I’m capable of. I RAN A HALF MARATHON folks! Me…the non-runner, at the busiest and most challenging time of my life. This was because I made a commitment to myself that no matter what I wasn’t going to give up or give in. I also knew that those abilities didn’t come over night. It took dedication and a choice every single day.

For me, in 2020, it’s about taking one step at a time. When I make time (just 15 minutes) to stretch daily, it improves my posture, improves my health and improves my outlook on life. Most importantly it helps me remember that we must take this journey one step at a time and not get down on ourselves or give up when we miss a step, or go at a pace slower than our mind or heart anticipates. Baby steps turn in to adult steps, that turn in to running, leaping and reaching for more.

In 2020, I am going to take it one step at a time, and who knows…maybe I’ll run a half marathon again!

Mental Stretch (mind)

Mindset is key to success in life. Our minds are such a powerful tool that we have 100% capability of choosing our destiny. I’m currently reading the book, ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’ by Carol Dweck, Ph.D. In the book she describes how a fixed mindset is one that you believe your qualities and capabilities are carved in stone and unable to change or grow. Whereas the growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities and capabilities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies and help from others.

Our mindset is a choice and we choose every day what mindset we will approach life with. No fear, mindsets can evolve.
For me, stretching as it relates to mental health starts with a growth mindset. What could be perceived as failures or difficult challenges in my life are used as building blocks on which I stretch my mind, challenge myself to overcome and try just a little harder each day to stretch and grow. I am capable of more.

Faith Stretch (spirit)

I have been blessed in my adult years to be capable and confident in sharing my faith with all whom I encounter. It’s likely that the first time you met me you could hear my faith shining through and I’m grateful for that quality. However, despite that confidence, I still have the urge to do more, that it’s not enough. I am called to share my faith on a broader scale, to inspire people from all walks of life, from varying degrees of faith confidence, and from different religious backgrounds. I want all to start building the confidence in their faith to live a life they love, free from regret or dissatisfaction, to live a life rooted in faith, to better themselves for the betterment of their community and beyond.

My fears have often gotten in the way, though. The voices in my head say, “I’m not trained for this.” “My story is no different than others.” “There are so many outlets for this type of personal and faith development.” “Why me?” But as Rachel Hollis would say, “Get out of your own way, Shelly!” “You can do hard things!” “You are made for this!” WHOA! Am I ready? I guess so…Let GO and Let God!

The reality is, despite all of these internal thoughts/excuses I hear myself saying, I still feel that call from God to go for it. Be who you are, trust that God is there to guide you in action and in Word. I have pushed away God’s voice in the past because it wasn’t on my time, or wasn’t in alignment with my plan. Having come to realize that we are on this earth to do God’s will, I can no longer let ‘my plans’ get in the way of His.

It’s my time to stretch, to get outside my comfort zone. Remember definition #1…stretching allows you to get bigger and wider, but never tear or break.

Shelly with tortoise in shellSo just as our trusty turtle teaches us a lesson of patience and perseverance, let us not forget to stretch. When a turtle is enclosed in its shell, it’s a mere rock. But when it starts to stick its neck out, starts moving, and begins life’s journey, only God knows how far she will go. Trust that your journey will be fulfilling. Slow down, be steady, and indeed you will win the race. But remember…it’s not about finishing the race. Enjoy the journey you’re on, one step at a time.

Emerge Strengthened

Now that we are one month in to 2020 and Lent is nearing, my hope for you is that you will be more intentional with your ‘resolutions’ or ‘Lenten offerings.’ Consider your word, make it your mindset, and choose every day to take at least one step toward improving your life. Each step, no matter how big or small, is another step forward. With each day, start anew. No matter whether you missed the day, week, or month prior, start today. Refocus on your word and decide how you will choose to make a difference today.

During this Lenten season, we hope you till take time to be mindful of your faith. If you are hoping for more in life and have a true desire to improve your relationship with God and others, consider joining our Emerge 2020 Lenten faith journey on Facebook. I am hosting this Facebook group for anyone who wants to start, continue or enrich their faith journey, regardless of religious differences, varying confidence in their faith, or ability to share that faith with others.

We will follow along with Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever email series and journal. I will then be reflecting on those readings and sharing my faith journey in a live daily Facebook video (which can be watched at anytime).

Remember, this is a journey. Don’t get defeated if you miss a day, fall of the wagon, or lose sight completely. Go back to your word, refocus and choose how you are going to live each day with intention. This is your life. Love it or change it. It’s your choice! Now let’s stretch!

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