
Meaning of the 3 in Em3rge

meaning of the 3

Meaning of the 3 in Em3rge

Numbers often have symbolic purposes in life, and the number three is prominently referenced in Biblical scripture. The number “3” often symbolizes harmony and wholeness but takes on numerous other variations of meaning in the 467 times it is referenced in the Bible.

But why would anyone put a number in the middle of a word for the name of a marketing company, especially when it makes it hard to read and causes people to wonder if it was a mistake?

Well, the truth is, the 3 in Em3rge is very intentional in size and location. The three stands for the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). As Christians, we’re not orphans abandoned by the Father or the Son. By the Spirit, both the Father and the Son have come to dwell in us. The Spirit lives within us, changing our hearts, giving us faith, and transforming our lives. The fact that God is Triune – three persons in eternal relationship – reminds us that relationships are what life is about. Life is not about stuff. Life is not success. It’s about a loving relationship. At Emerge, our faith and having intentional relationships are at the core of what we do.

Ultimately, it doesn’t TRULY matter how this business performs if we are not doing it in the name of our Lord. We have been granted gifts from God and it is our earthly role to use those gifts for the betterment of humankind. Therefore, the 3 is a constant reminder to us and to those whom we meet, to lead with our faith and do as Christ would do.

Unlike many who are more humble or shy in sharing their faith, I believe I am a bold child of God and feel confident in sharing that with others. It’s hard, no doubt, but it’s what I believe I have been called to do. From an early age when we would leave church on Sunday mornings, the back wall of the sanctuary had a verse that stated, “Be bold as a child of God and share the good news of salvation with all people.” Although my faith and membership in the church has evolved over the years, my upbringing and faith-filled roots will never change. This statement epitomized my initial ‘brand’ given to me at conception and was reaffirmed at my baptism. It’s one I hope I never stray from. It serves as a daily reminder, both internally and externally, as to why I am here and what purpose I was given to live out in this earthly life.

So the next time you see the Emerge logo, look at that 3, and remember to be bold in your faith as a child of God and share the good news of salvation with all people.

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