Here are some tangible things we love about working from home! Maybe you’ll find something here that you love too – or something new to try!

This Standing desk  |  My supportive but very lazy co-worker  |  Unlimited access to snacks (Bubblr, almonds, Cheez-Its, or anything chocolate!)  |  Taking lunch break walks around the lake  |  A cute planner like this one | Flexibility!

A cute Planner & sketchbook  |  This Standing desk  |  A good playlist or podcast  |  Working from a local coffee shop or making homemade iced lattes with these Glasses and Straws

These Cozy Slippers  |  Freshly Ground Coffee from The Market Place  |  Teams calls with my Emerge team (especially when we turn on our cameras!!)  |  Breaks with views from the deck and walks to see the animals!  |  My Black Book to keep me organized

Hugs from my kids  |  Cozy blankets while I work  |  Being able to see what is going on out my window  |  This Heated desk pad


Interested in building a remote team? Check out this past blog filled with tips for working from home!

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