Hostetler Precision Ag

industry _
Agriculture, Small Business
location _
Andrew, Iowa
about _
Over the past 20 years, Kent Hostetler has researched and tested various agricultural products and determined what worked best on his farm to achieve optimal results. As a result, Hostetler Precision Ag Solutions, LLC was founded in 2002 to help other farmers grow their yields effectively and efficiently with precision technologies and products. A respected leader in the industry, Kent is continuously evaluating products and partnering with businesses that have a solid reputation and proven ability to increase profitability for his customers. The company currently represents 16 other businesses in the industry and is constantly evaluating the best solutions for their own farm as well as customers’ operations.
scope of work _
Graphic Design – product catalog, quarterly newsletter, signage, event invitations; Brand Development; Event Planning; Business Consulting, Strategic Marketing
Hostetler Precision Ag Solutions was one of our very first clients when we started Emerge in 2016 and we have had the privilege of helping their team over the past eight years by designing catalogs, newsletters, customer event invitations, Christmas letters, vehicle graphics, signage, and advertisements. We were so excited when they asked us to refresh their brand identity in 2023. We were happy with the result as we were able to capture the historical look of their logo and refresh it with a cleaner look, while continuing to be recognizable as the same trusted brand. This reinforces the fact that a strong brand starts with a well designed logo.

let’s get started _
we are ready to help!
Are you in need of any of branding or marketing services but not sure where to start? Our team would love to learn more about your business’ needs and guide you through the process!