
annual planning Tag

We have worked with many entrepreneurs who have fantastic ideas and truly want to solve a problem or pursue an opportunity in the marketplace, but many people get stuck when it’s time to create and follow a dreaded business plan! Why can't we just create...

The past couple weeks have been difficult and strange for all of us and that’s likely to continue for some time. For all businesses or organizations out there, we truly feel for you and pray that you are able to emerge strengthened during COVID-19 and...

Integrated marketing tactics for a comprehensive campaign Our last post discussed how to leverage social media in your marketing plans. Today we’ll talk about other tactics that should be a part of your mix to maximize the impact and effectiveness of your overall marketing strategy. These...

As we prepare to end another successful year, we often take time to thank our customers, enjoy the season and slide on in to the new year. However, it’s also a good time to ensure your business is on the right track and you are...