Why Emerge?

why Emerge

A common question many people get asked is, “So what do you do?”, but many people don’t go further to ask, “why do you do what you do?” or “why do you like your job?”. Questions that are arguably more important when it comes to a career. We asked ourselves what drew us to Emerge Marketing and why we are passionate about the work we do.


Emerge is my dream, my vision, and my passion. This business has allowed me to not only pursue my dreams of owning my own business but also make an impact in my community and the businesses/organizations around me as well as revitalize rural Iowa and our country.  I absolutely LOVE helping other entrepreneurs and community leaders attain the unthinkable – to pair a visual identity with tactical tools and a strategic approach that allows them to achieve their vision. I believe I am using God’s gifts to better the world and nothing could be more satisfying. I believe this truly is the work of our Lord.

My favorite thing is connecting with our Emerge team who holds each other accountable, lifts each other up, and challenges one another to be the best we can be in the name of the Lord.


The opportunity to work for Emerge just fell into my lap, and to me, that was a sign that it was meant to be. In college, I did everything from broadcast journalism, marketing, event planning, public relations, to sports and rec management and human relations, so I wasn’t sure what I wanted to pursue after graduation. Working for Emerge has allowed me to combine so many of my interests and skills without having to pick just one.

I feel very fortunate to work for an organization that values family, faith, and friends. Our mission to revitalize rural Iowa has also really made an impact on me and opened my eyes about how much I love living in a small, Iowa community. The flexibility of working from home while still being able to meet in person occasionally is a great balance. I love the collaboration our growing team has as well as the variety of projects we get to work on and the different clients we assist.


I enjoy having a collaborative team to work together with, and we each have our own skill sets that blend beautifully! The flexibility of working from home and getting to catch up and have in-person meetings every once in a while is nice. We aren’t limited by our location, so we have the flexibility to live wherever we want and still work with a great group of people! I like that we have different projects to work on for clients in a variety of industries. I also love our focus on revitalizing rural Iowa as I am passionate about small businesses and business owners too!


Emerge is not just a job; it’s truly fun, interesting, and meaningful work. I love being able to contribute to Shelly’s faith-filled mission of revitalizing rural Iowa with a wonderful group of women and clients. Emerge has made it possible for me to balance working part-time while still being able to do what’s important to me as a stay-at-home mom and wife.


I enjoy working for Emerge because I get to combine so many elements of things I am passionate about with fun, new experiences! I love getting to focus on rural revitalization and keeping our slice of Iowa thriving and moving forward while maintaining our small-town way of life. In the short time I have been working with Shelly, I have met so many interesting people and learned how they are making an impact in rural Iowa. Emerge is also rooted in the belief that we are doing God’s work, and I am blessed to work alongside other women who share this belief.


I love working for Emerge Marketing Solutions because my job as a subcontractor allows for flexibility. As a stay-at-home mom to a very active toddler and a farm wife to a first-generation farmer, I am always busy. With my role at Emerge, I can still spend quality time with my family while making a little extra cash to help with the seasonal cash flow of farming. An added bonus is that the Emerge team is rooted in Christian beliefs, so I feel right at home with these amazing women who share similar core values. Not only am I able to serve my family because of my work at Emerge, but I am also able to work for the glory of God!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” -Colossians 3:23-24

Remote Work Tips

Claire working

Claire workingSome people love the freedom of working from the comfort of their own home, but some thrive off and need structure. If you work from home and sometimes struggle to stay focused, here are a few tips to help you become more productive!

1. Establish Boundaries

This is an important first step to take with your boss, coworkers, and anyone you live with. Once you have set work hours, make sure everyone understands that during work hours you are in work mode and when you’re not working that you are off the clock. While working from home does come with more flexibility, some people assume that it also means doing whatever, whenever you want, which is certainly not always the case. Be clear with friends and family that you still have set deadlines to meet, work to get done, and a professional standard to uphold, even if you are working in sweats from the guest bedroom. On the other hand, make sure your work doesn’t take over your life and become something you can’t step away from at night or on the weekends. Boundaries are your bestie when it comes to remote work.

2. Set and stick to a Routine!

This is SO important and SO easy to get lazy with. Don’t adopt the, “Well, I don’t HAVE to get up, I could just lay in bed and work or sleep another hour…” mindset. Just don’t. Try to get up at the same time every day and stick to a schedule. Find what works for you!

3. Get Ready for the Day

This can vary for everyone! I don’t style my hair or put on nice work clothes to work from home (cause why?), but I still do my makeup and look presentable (sorry no pajamas). For me, I want to be comfortable but not ready-for-bed comfortable. Plus, if you video chat with your boss or co-workers you want to appear presentable and professional. That doesn’t mean you can’t wear sweatpants though, business on the top, casual on the bottom! (And slippers are a must).

4. Switch Up Your Environment

Working from where you live can make one go a little stir crazy. Sometimes it makes it hard to concentrate when all you can think about is that pile of laundry in the other room, the dishes in the sink, or how you haven’t been out of the house in three days. Try spending an occasional morning at a local coffee shop or an afternoon at the library for a little change of scenery. I love doing this because it gives my mind a little reset.

5. Take Breaks!

I find that it is so easy to just sit and work and never get up. To combat this, I try to drink a lot of water, so I’m not only getting up to refill my water, but for bathroom breaks too. I also recommend taking a lunch break at the same time every day. Take a break, stretch, eat, go for a walk to get out of the house for a bit, let your mind reset and then get back to it!

6. Create a Space Where you Enjoy Spending Time

If you hate your work environment, odds are you’re going to be miserable working from home. Spruce it up a bit! Lots of light, a good smelling diffuser, fun décor, heated blanket, music playing, whatever makes you happy! Some people will say don’t turn on the TV, but I have always been more productive with background noise, whether that’s music or TV. Now, I don’t recommend turning on a show you actually want to watch because then, no, you probably won’t get much done. But I like to turn on HGTV, turn down the volume and let it fill the silence. If you do this, I recommend having your back to the TV, so you aren’t tempted to just sit and watch.

7. Try Block Scheduling

To make sure you stay on track and get everything done that you need to try making a list of everything and scheduling out time to work on each specific task. This helps keep me accountable and stay disciplined, otherwise I just sit there and ask myself where to start.

8. Designate Work Hours

It can be distracting if your roommate, significant other, children, or even pets are at home while you’re trying to work. (Especially if you get easily distracted like me). Make sure you designate specific work time and spaces. Not only does this help set boundaries for everyone, but then you also don’t risk getting burnt out. Finding a good work-life balance is key!!

9. Use Software such as Microsoft Teams and Asana

Our team has found that communicating through Microsoft Teams is so helpful! Instead of emailing back and forth or calling each other, Teams has a chat feature as well as the ability to make voice calls or video chat! We conduct staff meetings and touch base often using the video call feature. The chat option is great too because it makes communicating easy and efficient, especially because there is an app for your phone so you can communicate on the go!

We also use Asana, which is a great for task management. Working remotely can be a little overwhelming trying to stay organized, but Asana allows you to log and track progress on projects, assign tasks and deadlines, and communicate with teammates about tasks. We can attach necessary resources to tasks, see what we need to do and when it is due, and use the comment section for questions. All tasks show up in chronological order and you can mark them complete as you finish them. I’m tellin’ ya, it’s even better than crossing something off a to-do list.

10.  Keep in Touch with the Outside World

When you work from home, it can get a little lonely, especially if you’re used to being able to talk to co-workers whenever you want. (I find myself calling my mom a lot…). Schedule lunch visits with friends or block out time to call friends or family if you can’t go out (but try to stick to the allotted time). If you need to meet with a client or colleague, consider meeting up at a coffee shop or restaurant.

I hope these tips can help you become a pro when it comes to working from home. Just remember, not everything works the same for everyone, you just have to find what works best for you! If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re your one-stop-shop for all things marketing AND effectively working from home!

Business Plans: What’s the RIGHT way to do it

business plan

We have worked with many entrepreneurs who have fantastic ideas and truly want to solve a problem or pursue an opportunity in the marketplace, but many people get stuck when it’s time to create and follow a dreaded business plan! Why can’t we just create a product or service and just start doing business? Well…the answer is…you can.  You don’t have to have a written business plan to be successful, but it sure helps if you want your business to succeed long term and beyond your initial ownership.

I can tell you that by getting it down on paper (computer, napkin, legal pad, notes app on your phone, anywhere) it holds you more accountable and allows you to track progress year over year. For some, that business plan might be in your head, but I encourage you to write it down, no matter how simple it might be at first.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first ten years. Only a mere 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. So, what is it about these businesses that set them apart from the others?

I believe it’s about having a vision, setting a plan with goals, checking in frequently on that plan, and making difficult decisions to pivot when goals aren’t being met.

Where We Started

I’m only in year seven of my business, but here’s what I’ve seen and experienced.  If you don’t begin somewhere, you may never get off the starting line!

When I first started my business plan in 2015, it was more of a place to get my ideas out of my head and on to paper. I didn’t exactly know when/where I was going to start that business, but I had a firm conviction of what I wanted to accomplish in life. I started by setting goals for myself as an entrepreneur without necessarily determining WHAT my business would actually be. To this day, these goals still guide my daily actions:

  • Flexible work schedule that supports my family.
  • Assist multiple clients to achieve their potential.
  • Market Iowa to be more attractive to businesses, individuals, and families.
  • Work from home.
  • Continue to be challenged daily.
  • Increase earning potential.

I then established a vision for the impact I wanted to have with this endeavor: to promote local businesses and organizations so they can contribute to thriving small towns and assist businesses, organizations, and communities (especially in small town Iowa) realize their potential and guide them in making decisions to develop and implement strategic marketing plans to achieve their goals. Today that vision is simplified to: Revitalizing Rural Iowa. As I began to think about how I might go about accomplishing that vision, I set my mission: to provide strategic marketing, communication, and branding support to the business and nonprofit communities. Today that mission remains very close to what it started as: inspire communities, businesses, and organizations to emerge from their shell and strategically explore opportunities to achieve success and longevity.

Next Steps

Then what? I know there are many other organizations doing similar things. What makes me different? Who would my ideal clients be? And why would anyone choose me?

To determine this, I looked at who my target audience would be: Iowa-based, small-to-medium sized businesses with 1-100 employees. Then I identified what types of services I could offer based on my past experiences.

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Marketing Training
  • Marketing Plan Development & Execution
  • Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Publications
  • Strategic Promotions (unified messaging)
  • Photography
  • Event Planning
  • Fundraising
  • Non-Profit Work

From there, I looked at who my prospective customers could be. Those whom I had connections with (the business owners or community leaders I already knew who could either use my services or have had a personal experience with and could help with word-of-mouth support) as I was moving to a completely new area of the state where I had fewer connections.

I also needed to keep in mind that I likely wouldn’t be able to do it all, so I thought of all the smart and creative people I had worked with in the past and how I would love for them (or people like them) to be my advisors, colleagues, and coworkers in the future.

I then began to look at the financial side of the business. What were the start-up costs? How about the income potential? What would I need to be financially stable and successful?

When I began to consider my business model, especially as it related to my goals of entrepreneurship, I realized quickly that I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel. There were already super successful entrepreneurs who offered similar marketing services, had been in business, and learned the ropes of being successful in this industry.

This process would take another year before I got up the courage to actively pursue this conversation because that meant I actually had to share my ideas with others. I hadn’t even really told my husband about my plans for the future! Read about that story here!

It wasn’t until June of 2016 that I finally reached out to my good friend and business owner Samantha Grove who gave me exceptional insight into her business model and was open about her path of owning a small business. Having a mentor who is willing to help guide you, share their challenges, help you learn from their mistakes, and listen when life gets rough is the most valuable investment I think there is in business. It’s these types of people who are needed most when the road gets lonely and weary because they will remind you why you’re here and reignite that passion you may have lost. It was my initial meeting with Samantha, a pursued conviction in my mind, and my ability to ‘emerge‘ from the comfort of my own shell that put all the wheels into action to set this business plan ablaze!

Where We Are Today

Our business plan today is much more than it started as. It’s actually a strategic plan that gets reviewed/referenced quarterly and updated annually. (If the word “strategic” scares you, don’t let it!! It just means that you’re being purposeful in developing the actions you want to pursue to be successful).

My point in all of this is to encourage you to:

1. Start SOMEWHERE! You don’t need to have ‘all the right things’ to get started.

2. Put it in writing! I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be able to look at those first ‘ideas’ that I put together in what I thought was a business plan and see how our journey has evolved, yet how we’ve never veered too far from our vision.

3. Celebrate Progress and Success. As we look at our business plan every year, we now evaluate year-over-year:

  • Internal celebrations and top successes from the year
  • Client celebrations from the past year
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
  • Goals/Accomplishments from the various perspectives of our business: customer, internal business, financial, and learning & growth
  • Financial review
  • Upcoming year outlook
  • Establish a guiding word/theme for the new year
  • Individual and team goal setting for the year

For those of you who have been in business for a while and haven’t taken these steps, I encourage you to start! It’s NEVER too late, especially if you’re feeling stuck.

I pursued this business to help entrepreneurs and business/community leaders emerge from the comfort of their own space and pursue their life’s calling with passion, planning, and purpose. If you need help getting un-stuck our team is here to help! Let us know if we can help you ’emerge’!

elements of a business plan

Meaning of the 3 in Em3rge

meaning of the 3

Numbers often have symbolic purposes in life, and the number three is prominently referenced in Biblical scripture. The number “3” often symbolizes harmony and wholeness but takes on numerous other variations of meaning in the 467 times it is referenced in the Bible.

But why would anyone put a number in the middle of a word for the name of a marketing company, especially when it makes it hard to read and causes people to wonder if it was a mistake?

Well, the truth is, the 3 in Em3rge is very intentional in size and location. The three stands for the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). As Christians, we’re not orphans abandoned by the Father or the Son. By the Spirit, both the Father and the Son have come to dwell in us. The Spirit lives within us, changing our hearts, giving us faith, and transforming our lives. The fact that God is Triune – three persons in eternal relationship – reminds us that relationships are what life is about. Life is not about stuff. Life is not success. It’s about a loving relationship. At Emerge, our faith and having intentional relationships are at the core of what we do.

Ultimately, it doesn’t TRULY matter how this business performs if we are not doing it in the name of our Lord. We have been granted gifts from God and it is our earthly role to use those gifts for the betterment of humankind. Therefore, the 3 is a constant reminder to us and to those whom we meet, to lead with our faith and do as Christ would do.

Unlike many who are more humble or shy in sharing their faith, I believe I am a bold child of God and feel confident in sharing that with others. It’s hard, no doubt, but it’s what I believe I have been called to do. From an early age when we would leave church on Sunday mornings, the back wall of the sanctuary had a verse that stated, “Be bold as a child of God and share the good news of salvation with all people.” Although my faith and membership in the church has evolved over the years, my upbringing and faith-filled roots will never change. This statement epitomized my initial ‘brand’ given to me at conception and was reaffirmed at my baptism. It’s one I hope I never stray from. It serves as a daily reminder, both internally and externally, as to why I am here and what purpose I was given to live out in this earthly life.

So the next time you see the Emerge logo, look at that 3, and remember to be bold in your faith as a child of God and share the good news of salvation with all people.

How Emerge was Named

How Emerge got its name

I get asked all the time how we came up with the name “Emerge” and why there is a 3 in the name. It’s amazing how things work in a mysterious way, and you’re often led to the right answers if you’re patient enough!

Some of you know the crazy story of how this business started, but for those of you who don’t, check out the ‘turtle story‘ that happened in 2016! I had decided a year prior that I wanted to pursue my dream of owning my own business, but it would take nearly 14 months before I would make it official. For any of you who knew me at the time…I was NOT a patient person!

As time passed and the idea started to come to fruition of owning my own business, I knew I needed to get serious if I was going to make this dream a reality. (Like many creatives do, I was already doing a lot of this work as a volunteer in the community and transitioning that into paid work was a little harder. It required confidence, vision, and commitment.)

I set up a meeting with my attorney to get the legal details of the business moving forward, but the one thing that kept holding me back was that I didn’t know what to call it! I knew how much branding meant and that the meaning of all I wanted to impact in this world was so much more than the words I would choose to name this business! But I didn’t want to mess it up or sell us short!

So, I thought about my journey leading up to the business start-up and the impact I wanted to have on other entrepreneurs, our clients, and beyond. My encounter with the turtle was really a pivotal moment for me and my life, but I didn’t like turtles. They’re slow, gross, cold, slimy, and boring (or so I thought!). Although I felt like I had always been on the ‘right’ path, doing all the ‘right’ things, it was the symbolic meaning of the turtle that really impacted and guided me most. But what was it about that turtle that I could carry on to clients in a meaningful way?

What is it about a turtle that would make a difference in this world?

Well…when a turtle is stagnant, sitting in its shell it’s more like a rock (kind of like many of us when we’re feeling stuck in our business or in life). But when the turtle sticks its neck out from the comfort of its shell and starts to emerge, it begins to make progress. EMERGE! That’s it! While comfort and security lie within the shell, it’s when the turtle finally emerges with a plan to move forward that it makes progress…slow, steady, and calculated progress. And that’s what we do here at Emerge. We help people get unstuck, emerge from the comfort of their business, and pursue new heights with passion, planning, and purpose. And don’t be mistaken…we’re rarely slow! However, we want to ensure the ‘right’ approach is taken, not just complete a project just to complete a project.

What about the 3?

The underlying purpose of our business and why we do what we do is to serve God. The number three acts as a constant reminder that at the center of all that we do is to serve the Lord with the gifts that have been entrusted to us. Our responsibility here on earth is to have faith in the Lord and share the good news of salvation, grace, and hope with all people. The three in Christianity represents the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Without these three, we would be nothing.

The fact that God is Triune – three persons in eternal relationship – reminds us that relationships are what life is about, and that’s what I love most about the work we do. Meeting people, getting to know them personally, and inspiring them is what I cherish most. Life is not about stuff or earthly successes. It’s about a loving relationship. If we truly know the Triune God, we will cherish relationships – with God and with one another.

I have often questioned whether we go too far with our emphasis and integration of faith into our business, but I am constantly reminded at every turn of life, that our calling is not to pursue immediate success or gratification in life here on earth, but to serve our Lord and ignite this same faith in others.

This is also why we have developed the faith-based part of our company, Ignite: Be the Light, to help others recognize the flame from within and feel comfortable in developing a strong faith foundation that not only gives them a stronger base, but allows them to eventually find purpose in their own life, and to ignite others and set the world ablaze.

So, I encourage you to do the same. Emerge from the comfort of your shell; pursue God’s calling; and ignite, be the light for all.

Importance of Integrated Marketing

integrated marketing

We’ve all heard the phrase, “repetition is key” and it’s something you don’t want to forget when it comes to integrated marketing. So, what does this phrase mean? Integrated marketing can be thought of as conveying the same message in different formats across a variety of channels. You aren’t going to reach everyone you want by using just one communication platform, so it is more effective to utilize a variety of platforms to reach more people.

When going about creating an integrated marketing campaign, these are some of the most important steps to take:

  • Determine your goals and target audience for the marketing campaign
  • Create and use a consistent branded visual look and messaging across all platforms
  • Utilize a variety of marketing channels:
    • Social media posts, stories, or ads
    • Traditional advertising: print, broadcast, direct mail, etc.
    • Digital marketing
    • Video
    • Podcasts
    • Events
    • Email campaigns
    • Website
  • Track results of the campaign from all applicable channels
Integrated Marketing Campaign Example

We provide marketing services for a local hospital and when they started offering ENT services and welcomed a new provider, we created an integrated marketing campaign.

  • Goals: Build awareness of and promote the new ENT services and encourage people to schedule ENT appointments.
  • Target Audience: Parents or care takers with young children within a 30-mile radius.
  • Marketing Channels: Determined what marketing platforms to use based upon our goals and target audience:
    • Press release to local media outlets and blog post on the news section of hospital website, sharing all of the necessary information about the new provider and services offered
    • Several social media posts (with abbreviated but similar messages as the press release) on the hospital Facebook page for a designated period of time (organic and boosted ads)
    • Newspaper ads placed in specific local papers (using similar design and messaging as the social posts)
    • Radio ads on targeted local stations (using abbreviated but similar messages as press release)
    • Provider and service information added to the hospital website (very similar to the press release and all other communications)
  • Created several variations of hospital branded graphics sharing necessary information about the new provider, clinic dates, reasons to visit an ENT, how to schedule an appointment, etc.

Even though we promoted the new provider and ENT service by utilizing a wide range of channels, we didn’t need to recreate the wheel for each platform. We typically start with the project that requires the most information (in this case, the press release). Then we use that information to create additional marketing tactics (radio/newspaper ads, social media posts, website information, etc.) Additionally, once one design is created, we use the same graphics to ensure repetition of the design across all platforms.

Repetition is Key

So why is repetition key to successful marketing? By using this strategy, a mom might hear about a new ENT provider on the radio as she’s taking her kids to school one morning. She may not hear the full message, but it could get her thinking. Then she might see the social media post about the ENT services while she’s scrolling through Facebook. She might click on the link from the social post, taking her to the website. Here she’ll see all the information she needs to know about the provider, services, and how this could benefit her four-year-old who has been struggling with allergies lately. Although she might not book an appointment right away, she might read the newspaper a few days later, see a newspaper ad, and recall that she was going to make an appointment. That’s integrated marketing, and that’s why repetition is key.

We encourage you to consider an integrated marketing campaign the next time you are looking to promote a new product, service, or event. If you aren’t quite sure where to start, that’s what we’re here for. Reach out to us here and we’d be happy to discuss the possibilities for your next integrated marketing campaign.

How Emerge was Started

how emerge was started

My whole life I always knew that I wanted to start my own business. I have always had a ‘can do’, ‘figure it out’, ‘jump at the right opportunity’ kind of spirit. While I never really pressured myself to go after it, I knew that when the time was right it would happen. As I look back, each experience I’ve had throughout my life has been a stepping stone designed to build upon one another. At the time some of them seemed misplaced, out of line, or definitely NOT part of MY intended path. But as I look back, I see that every step in the journey was meant for an intentional purpose that would prepare me for success. I’ll skip past the details for now and jump to how Emerge was started.

In June of 2015, my family and I were living in DeWitt, Iowa, and I was working for a successful agriculture company. One day, my husband delivered the news that he had been recruited to western Iowa and that our family would be moving, but not right away.  It would be a year and a half from then that we would actually be moving.

This was devastating to me as I had just started to find my groove. I was part of the community and I had made incredible friends. I served on our home & school board for our school. I was involved in the chamber and economic development organization. And I was part of a fundraising effort to impact the county fairgrounds and had made significant strides in my career.

Have you ever felt like the rug has just pulled out from underneath you? Or that your life is about to come crashing down? That was me. how emerge was started

While I couldn’t talk about this impending change with anyone, my inner-being took over and I wrestled with a fight or flight response for the next year. I couldn’t decide whether I would just follow my own path ­- choose my own destiny, be selfish and take control of my own life – or whether I would fight, as I knew I could adapt and do anything I put my mind to. Within the next month I wrote a business plan for the business I’d always dreamed of starting. And to this day, is STILL the foundation of our business. But that wasn’t enough. I had that glimmer of hope and vision for a future, but self-doubt won over every day.

Trusting in God

So, as I have been taught my whole life, I did the only thing I knew how…I leaned on my faith. I trusted God that it would all work out. I asked Him to show me the way, to protect me when I would fall, and to be with me every step of the way, showing me the light and path to a better future.

Now, as I look back on the past six years of being in business, I can’t help but think that God had better plans for me than I could have ever imagined at that low point in my life.

As the time for us to move neared, I had an enlightenment. Something switched in my mind. Or more realistically, the Holy Spirit finally found a way deep into my heart. I decided that from that day forward I would NEVER look back. I decided with conviction that I would start my own business, pursue my dreams, and seize the opportunity to make a difference in this world.

On August 26, 2016, I formed Emerge Marketing Solutions and had six dedicated clients. At the time I was still working full-time, supporting my family, wrapping up loose ends in DeWitt, preparing to move to Manning, and renovating an old farmhouse that hadn’t been lived in for years.

On December 31, 2016, we made the trek across Iowa and my life as an entrepreneur began. I knew that I would do whatever it took to run a successful business and be an inspiration to others, especially my children. And that I would share with others that no matter what life throws at you, it’s 90% attitude and 100% faith and trust in God that all will work out.

Q&A With Katie Sextro


Welcome to the first feature in our series of Q & A’s with Emerge Marketing Solution’s employees/subcontractors! In this series, we encourage those closest to Emerge to share their stories. Find out why they choose to live in Iowa, their perceptions of our state, vision and goals, and more. Our goal with is to inspire others to invest in rural Iowa; inform you about what it’s like to live and work in Iowa; and show the impact (great or small) each of us can make as a result of our dedication to community and business in rural Iowa.

Katie Sextro | Creative SpecialistIn celebration of her birthday today (2/28) and her one month celebration of working for Emerge, we invited Katie Sextro, Emerge’s 1st employee and our Creative Specialist to share her thoughts first! We’ll let Katie take it from here…

Hey everybody, I’m Katie! I grew up in Manning, Iowa and currently live in Storm Lake, Iowa, right on the lake with my fiancé, A.J. I graduated from The University of Iowa in 2017 with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. I received my master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Buena Vista University in 2019. I love the Iowa Hawkeyes, summer, shopping and traveling.

Choosing to live in Iowa

I am passionate about helping people see the rewards of living in a small town and helping to revitalize rural America! I have never lived anywhere other than Iowa, but I have done quite a bit of traveling throughout my life. I always saw myself moving to California, but I have grown to really appreciate living in Iowa, and now I don’t see myself leaving. Now, I’ve come to see that people in Iowa truly care and want to help one another out and that you can easily get to know your neighbors and become involved in your community.

Not only do you have the option to live in a bigger city such as Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Ames, Quad Cities, Council Bluffs, or Sioux City, but you can also live in a smaller town and still have the convenience of big-city amenities such as a wide range of restaurant selections, entertainment, nightlife and shopping. You can even live in a really small town and still have easy access to the best quality of life, healthcare, entertainment, education and more.

Changing perceptions of Iowa

I think the perception of Iowa is that there are only those small farming towns, that you have to drive long distances for any amenities, and that there is nothing to do. In order to change that perception and attract families and young people to Iowa we need to promote the accessibility of necessary and desired amenities and conveniences like good healthcare and education systems, entertainment, shopping, and more.

The low cost of living, privacy, employment opportunities and quality of life Iowans are privileged to have need to be highlighted as well. To do so, we need to promote certain communities in Iowa, big and small, that possess these features and find people to tell their story of why they choose to live in Iowa and why others should as well. We need to show parents that they can raise their children in a safe, affordable, welcoming and thriving environment. And this is why I love Emerge Marketing Solutions!

Attract and retain young people to live in Iowa

To encourage young people to either move back to Iowa or draw them in to visit, promoting and showcasing communities like West Des Moines or downtown Des Moines and the opportunities, resources and amenities that are available in these cities is necessary to catch their attention. Finding recent college grads and young adults in their upper 20’s and low 30’s to give testimonials as to why they chose to live in Iowa would be powerful and relevant for others their age. I think that when young people become aware of the opportunities they have and the amenities and resources available to them combined with a low cost of living and high quality of life, Iowa becomes much more appealing.

For example, Des Moines is one of the top ranked places to live in America, especially for young people and it is rapidly growing and expanding. I have been seeing trends of more people deciding to live in cities like Des Moines instead of moving to the coasts. They are also moving back home after college or after being away for a while.

For me, I find comfort knowing that I can have a great career, get married, find a home and raise my children in a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment and still be close to family, friends, entertainment, healthcare and more. I do think people are starting to see more of an appeal of living in smaller communities, so we just need to capitalize on that trend and show those who don’t live in Iowa just what they’re missing.

In Closing…

Thank you Katie for sharing your perspective! We hope that others are seeing the same value that you see in rural Iowa and will consider moving here when they, too, are ready to live the best life, raise a family, and be successful in their careers!

Stay tuned for more features with Emerge Marketing subcontractors. We think you’ll be delighted to hear the great things they have to say about Iowa and why they’re proud to be from here.

2020: Let’s Stretch


My word for 2020 is stretch! What does that mean for me and how am I using this word daily to help me be the best version of myself so that I can show up for others?

You may have noticed many people going in to 2020 and rather than making a New Year’s resolution, they are sharing a word. Why would we want to minimize ourselves to just one word and not necessarily set actionable goals?

Well…how many of you have made New Year’s resolutions only to find out a month or two later that you are no longer following them? We give up. Then by the time we reach Lent, we decide that we must try again. We give up something or set an intention to be a better person. But then Easter comes along and we often go right back to our usual habits.

With a word, we are able to set our intention every single day. No matter whether we failed the day before or lost sight of our initial purpose, we’re able to reevaluate the word every morning and decide how we are going to live our life that day with intentional effort to focus on that word.


According to dictionary.com, the verb stretch means:

  • Be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
  • Straighten or extend one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles in order to reach something.

For me, stretch means to expand my mind, body and faith so that I reach my full potential without tearing or breaking. To trust that I’m made for more and choose EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to stretch.

Physical Stretch (body)

I have been on a journey to improve my health, but as I work from home, seven miles from town, I can find nearly every excuse to miss my daily workout. However, I know deep down what I’m capable of. I RAN A HALF MARATHON folks! Me…the non-runner, at the busiest and most challenging time of my life. This was because I made a commitment to myself that no matter what I wasn’t going to give up or give in. I also knew that those abilities didn’t come over night. It took dedication and a choice every single day.

For me, in 2020, it’s about taking one step at a time. When I make time (just 15 minutes) to stretch daily, it improves my posture, improves my health and improves my outlook on life. Most importantly it helps me remember that we must take this journey one step at a time and not get down on ourselves or give up when we miss a step, or go at a pace slower than our mind or heart anticipates. Baby steps turn in to adult steps, that turn in to running, leaping and reaching for more.

In 2020, I am going to take it one step at a time, and who knows…maybe I’ll run a half marathon again!

Mental Stretch (mind)

Mindset is key to success in life. Our minds are such a powerful tool that we have 100% capability of choosing our destiny. I’m currently reading the book, ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’ by Carol Dweck, Ph.D. In the book she describes how a fixed mindset is one that you believe your qualities and capabilities are carved in stone and unable to change or grow. Whereas the growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities and capabilities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies and help from others.

Our mindset is a choice and we choose every day what mindset we will approach life with. No fear, mindsets can evolve.
For me, stretching as it relates to mental health starts with a growth mindset. What could be perceived as failures or difficult challenges in my life are used as building blocks on which I stretch my mind, challenge myself to overcome and try just a little harder each day to stretch and grow. I am capable of more.

Faith Stretch (spirit)

I have been blessed in my adult years to be capable and confident in sharing my faith with all whom I encounter. It’s likely that the first time you met me you could hear my faith shining through and I’m grateful for that quality. However, despite that confidence, I still have the urge to do more, that it’s not enough. I am called to share my faith on a broader scale, to inspire people from all walks of life, from varying degrees of faith confidence, and from different religious backgrounds. I want all to start building the confidence in their faith to live a life they love, free from regret or dissatisfaction, to live a life rooted in faith, to better themselves for the betterment of their community and beyond.

My fears have often gotten in the way, though. The voices in my head say, “I’m not trained for this.” “My story is no different than others.” “There are so many outlets for this type of personal and faith development.” “Why me?” But as Rachel Hollis would say, “Get out of your own way, Shelly!” “You can do hard things!” “You are made for this!” WHOA! Am I ready? I guess so…Let GO and Let God!

The reality is, despite all of these internal thoughts/excuses I hear myself saying, I still feel that call from God to go for it. Be who you are, trust that God is there to guide you in action and in Word. I have pushed away God’s voice in the past because it wasn’t on my time, or wasn’t in alignment with my plan. Having come to realize that we are on this earth to do God’s will, I can no longer let ‘my plans’ get in the way of His.

It’s my time to stretch, to get outside my comfort zone. Remember definition #1…stretching allows you to get bigger and wider, but never tear or break.

Shelly with tortoise in shellSo just as our trusty turtle teaches us a lesson of patience and perseverance, let us not forget to stretch. When a turtle is enclosed in its shell, it’s a mere rock. But when it starts to stick its neck out, starts moving, and begins life’s journey, only God knows how far she will go. Trust that your journey will be fulfilling. Slow down, be steady, and indeed you will win the race. But remember…it’s not about finishing the race. Enjoy the journey you’re on, one step at a time.

Emerge Strengthened

Now that we are one month in to 2020 and Lent is nearing, my hope for you is that you will be more intentional with your ‘resolutions’ or ‘Lenten offerings.’ Consider your word, make it your mindset, and choose every day to take at least one step toward improving your life. Each step, no matter how big or small, is another step forward. With each day, start anew. No matter whether you missed the day, week, or month prior, start today. Refocus on your word and decide how you will choose to make a difference today.

During this Lenten season, we hope you till take time to be mindful of your faith. If you are hoping for more in life and have a true desire to improve your relationship with God and others, consider joining our Emerge 2020 Lenten faith journey on Facebook. I am hosting this Facebook group for anyone who wants to start, continue or enrich their faith journey, regardless of religious differences, varying confidence in their faith, or ability to share that faith with others.

We will follow along with Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever email series and journal. I will then be reflecting on those readings and sharing my faith journey in a live daily Facebook video (which can be watched at anytime).

Remember, this is a journey. Don’t get defeated if you miss a day, fall of the wagon, or lose sight completely. Go back to your word, refocus and choose how you are going to live each day with intention. This is your life. Love it or change it. It’s your choice! Now let’s stretch!