
Entrepreneur Tag

We have worked with many entrepreneurs who have fantastic ideas and truly want to solve a problem or pursue an opportunity in the marketplace, but many people get stuck when it’s time to create and follow a dreaded business plan! Why can't we just create...

My whole life I always knew that I wanted to start my own business. I have always had a 'can do', ‘figure it out', 'jump at the right opportunity' kind of spirit. While I never really pressured myself to go after it, I knew that...

Welcome to the second feature in our series of Q & A’s with Emerge Marketing Solution’s employees and subcontractors! In this blog series, Emerge subcontractors share their stories and why the quality of life in Iowa is better than anywhere else! Our purpose in sharing...

The past couple weeks have been difficult and strange for all of us and that’s likely to continue for some time. For all businesses or organizations out there, we truly feel for you and pray that you are able to emerge strengthened during COVID-19 and...

Welcome to the second feature in our series of Q & A’s with Iowa Entrepreneurs! In this blog series, Iowa business owners share their stories. Find out how and where they got started, the challenges they faced along the way, rewarding experiences, most pivotal relationships,...

By: Katie Brinkman, Junior at Iowa State University, (Early, Iowa) As she sat in the local coffee shop, sipping on hot chai, watching the hustle and bustle of the city life take place on the local city streets, this small-town girl found herself entranced and dreaming...

As we prepare to end another successful year, we often take time to thank our customers, enjoy the season and slide on in to the new year. However, it’s also a good time to ensure your business is on the right track and you are...

[caption id="attachment_763" align="alignright" width="300"] Emerge Marketing Solutions receives the Iowa Farm Bureau Renew Rural Iowa Entrepreneur Leader Award[/caption] Recently, Emerge Marketing Solutions was nominated by Sara Slater of Audubon County Economic Development and Tourism for the Iowa Farm Bureau Renew Rural Iowa Entrepreneur Leader award, and...