
What’s your Marketing Mix?

What’s your Marketing Mix?

Planning annual marketing mix

Integrated marketing tactics for a comprehensive campaign

Our last post discussed how to leverage social media in your marketing plans. Today we’ll talk about other tactics that should be a part of your mix to maximize the impact and effectiveness of your overall marketing strategy. These marketing channels tend to get overlooked lately in favor of purely digital means, but don’t underestimate their power to reach your local audience!


Small-market newspapers are enjoying a resilience to digital competition not experienced by their larger counterparts. They remain relevant because they are physically close to their readers; the content is exclusive to that area and the advertising markets are ultra-local, giving you extremely effective reach to your local customer base.


Like local newspapers, radio is also a good geographic fit for small businesses. With the consistency of voice talent and the sheer frequency listeners are hearing your message, radio is a sure-fire way to achieve brand recall with your intended audience, especially if your commercial includes a memorable jingle! The key to success in radio is careful station selection, an engaging message, and persistence. When choosing a station, consider your target audience. For example, if you are targeting men in the 30- to 45-year old range, a sports network would likely be a good choice.

Direct Mail

Don’t assume this is an antiquated marketing strategy! Of all your marketing tactics, direct mail has one of the highest performing response rates and brand recall. This is because recipients are far less distracted when viewing mail in-hand compared to when they’re viewing online. Take advantage of having their full attention, especially if you have a message that takes time to absorb.


Yes, hosting an event takes time and money to plan, but the benefits definitely outweigh the costs. They are a great way to generate word of mouth buzz for your business/organization, increase your brand’s visibility in your community, and add foot traffic through your door. Events give you the opportunity to interact with current customers and introduce yourself to potential new ones. They are more personal and memorable for your attendees than just seeing an ad, and they show you care about making face to face connections with your customers.

Signage and Apparel

Effective signage is one of the most cost-effective ways for a small business to get off the ground and stay there. Use your signage in a variety of ways: on your storefront, as a decal on your vehicle, and lawn signs around town. Or become a walking brand and wear it (think branded polos)! Include your business name, contact info, logo and message. Make sure to keep your sign simple so people know at a glance what you offer. Even if they don’t need your products or services now, they’ll be more likely to remember you when the time comes if they are constantly exposed to your brand.

Store Fronts

It’s true that people do judge a book by it’s cover! And first impressions can be everlasting. Consider your current storefront appearance. Is it inviting? Is it clean? Is it well-lit? If it weren’t yours, would you be drawn to open the door and step in? Clean windows, fresh paint, attractive signage and updated lighting are just a few easy ways to improve your storefront appearance. If it could use a complete facelift and there is no room in the budget, consider seeking out grant opportunities for this purpose.

We Can Help!

For further help with your 2020 marketing tactics, contact us at shelly@em3rgemarketing.com to learn how our team can support you in your strategic marketing efforts. Here’s to rocking your small business or organization in 2020!

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