
Why Emerge?

why emerge

Why Emerge?

A common question many people get asked is, “So what do you do?”, but many people don’t go further to ask, “why do you do what you do?” or “why do you like your job?”. Questions that are arguably more important when it comes to a career. We asked ourselves what drew us to Emerge Marketing and why we are passionate about the work we do.

ShellyShelly – Owner of Emerge, mom of three, working from Manning, Iowa

Emerge is my dream, my vision, and my passion. This business has allowed me to not only pursue my dreams of owning my own business but also make an impact in my community and the businesses/organizations around me as well as revitalize rural Iowa and our country.  I absolutely LOVE helping other entrepreneurs and community leaders attain the unthinkable – to pair a visual identity with tactical tools and a strategic approach that allows them to achieve their vision. I believe I am using God’s gifts to better the world and nothing could be more satisfying. I believe this truly is the work of our Lord.

My favorite thing is connecting with our Emerge team who holds each other accountable, lifts each other up, and challenges one another to be the best we can be in the name of the Lord.

KatieKatieKatieKatieKatie – full-time employee and new mom, working from Storm Lake, Iowa Katie

The opportunity to work for Emerge just fell into my lap, and to me, that was a sign that it was meant to be. In college, I did everything from broadcast journalism, marketing, event planning, public relations, to sports and rec management and human relations, so I wasn’t sure what I wanted to pursue after graduation. Working for Emerge has allowed me to combine so many of my interests and skills without having to pick just one.

I feel very fortunate to work for an organization that values family, faith, and friends. Our mission to revitalize rural Iowa has also really made an impact on me and opened my eyes about how much I love living in a small, Iowa community. The flexibility of working from home while still being able to meet in person occasionally is a great balance. I love the collaboration our growing team has as well as the variety of projects we get to work on and the different clients we assist.

ClaireClaire – full-time employee working from Springfield, Missouri

I enjoy having a collaborative team to work together with, and we each have our own skill sets that blend beautifully! The flexibility of working from home and getting to catch up and have in-person meetings every once in a while is nice. We aren’t limited by our location, so we have the flexibility to live wherever we want and still work with a great group of people! I like that we have different projects to work on for clients in a variety of industries. I also love our focus on revitalizing rural Iowa as I am passionate about small businesses and business owners too!

KatieCourtney – part-time employee, mom of four, working from rural Carroll county

Emerge is not just a job; it’s truly fun, interesting, and meaningful work. I love being able to contribute to Shelly’s faith-filled mission of revitalizing rural Iowa with a wonderful group of women and clients. Emerge has made it possible for me to balance working part-time while still being able to do what’s important to me as a stay-at-home mom and wife.

Annie – part-time employee, mom of three, working from rural Carroll county

I enjoy working for Emerge because I get to combine so many elements of things I am passionate about with fun, new experiences! I love getting to focus on rural revitalization and keeping our slice of Iowa thriving and moving forward while maintaining our small-town way of life. In the short time I have been working with Shelly, I have met so many interesting people and learned how they are making an impact in rural Iowa. Emerge is also rooted in the belief that we are doing God’s work, and I am blessed to work alongside other women who share this belief.

Paige – subcontractor, mom of a toddler, working from Rockwell City, Iowa

I love working for Emerge Marketing Solutions because my job as a subcontractor allows for flexibility. As a stay-at-home mom to a very active toddler and a farm wife to a first-generation farmer, I am always busy. With my role at Emerge, I can still spend quality time with my family while making a little extra cash to help with the seasonal cash flow of farming. An added bonus is that the Emerge team is rooted in Christian beliefs, so I feel right at home with these amazing women who share similar core values. Not only am I able to serve my family because of my work at Emerge, but I am also able to work for the glory of God!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” -Colossians 3:23-24

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