
Your Guide To Client ‘Thanks’-giving

Your Guide To Client ‘Thanks’-giving

The arrival of the holiday season has us contemplating how we can best show appreciation for our clients, but determining gifts that are both meaningful and appropriate can feel like quite the balancing act.

At one time I worked for an architecture and construction company and the number of gifts we received at the holidays simply amazed me: meat and cheese trays, desserts for days, and a million and one holiday cards. While it was all incredibly generous, thoughtful, and well-received, it also made me wonder: with the influx of holiday appreciation gifts, what could a company do to really stand out?

If you’re looking to do just that, we’ve put together some tips to help find that perfect gift for thanking your clients.

Don’t buy gifts that will end up in the trash.

Avoid gifting desk calendars, pens, notepads, or any other branded merchandise. Companies have these basics covered in their office, and branded merchandise feels less like a personal gift and more like a marketing tactic.

Make it appropriate money-wise

A lot depends on the type of business you’re in, so make sure to keep the amount you spend on a particular client in proportion with how much they spend with you. A hair stylist might make $400 per year off of one customer while an agriculture seed client may spend $50,000. The appreciation gifts they receive should reflect those numbers – the last thing you want to do is make a client so uncomfortable with a gift that it strains your relationship!

Don’t give the same gift to everyone.

Personalizing your gifts shows your client you were listening during your interactions with them throughout the year.

Recognize the whole team supporting the work they do.

Many of the gifts I remember most recognized our entire team providing services rather than just the project manager.

Shop local.

Support your local businesses or those in the area of your clients when purchasing gifts or gift cards. This is a thoughtful way to personalize the gift while showing you care about their community.

Think outside the holidays.

By sending your thanks throughout the year, you won’t run the risk of getting lost in the abundance of December appreciation gifts.

Think outside of the office.

Get them a gift they can enjoy off the clock or a family gift that appeals to all ages! Some ideas include a favorite book (bonus points for including a note about why the book is meaningful to you), movie theater passes, bowling alley gift cards or tickets to a local event.

Consider making a donation to a non-profit in the names of your clients.

This gratitude can go a long way and show your willingness to pay it forward, especially if a particular client has a charity or cause they are passionate about.

It’s not necessarily all about the gifts.

Spending time with a client or sending a simple, handwritten thank you card can be just as effective (if not more so) than something you buy.

Don’t let the decision-making process of how to best thank your clients stress you out! Try viewing it as a yearly opportunity to become more deeply connected to the wonderful people who make your business possible!

We want to know…

What are the best gifts you have given to or received from your clients?

Cheers to ringing in the holidays with gratitude and thanksgiving!

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